Terms & Conditions
SAM Conveyancing 19 Silwood Road Ascot Berkshire SL5 0PY T: 0207 112 5388 | |
We use the following Search Company to obtain your property searches:
Groundsure LTD (the 'Search Company'), a company registered in England and Wales under a registration number 03421028
Sovereign House, Church Street, Brighton, BN1 1UJ
Nile House, Nile St, Brighton BN1 1HW
08444 159 000
You are bound by their Terms and Conditions and are deemed to have accepted these Terms upon payment for your property searches. You can read the Search Company's Terms here -
Groundsure Terms and Conditions.
We do not accept any responsibility for the service provided by the Search Company.
Data Providers
Groundsure works with respected data providers to bring you the most relevant and accurate information in your Radon Check report. To find out who they are and their areas of expertise you can check the following
Consumer Protection Information
This search has been produced by Groundsure Ltd, Sovereign House, Church Street, Brighton, BN1 1UJ. Tel: 08444 159 000. Email:
info@groundsure.com. Groundsure adheres to the Conveyancing Information Executive Standards.
All of the advice and reports that Groundsure produces are covered by a comprehensive Remediation Contribution policy to ensure customers are protected. For more details, you can read their
remediation policy.
The Standards:
- Conveyancing Information Executive Members shall act in a professional and honest manner at all times in line with the Conveyancing Information Executive Standards and carry out the delivery of the Search with integrity and due care and skill.
- Compliance with the Conveyancing Information Executive Standards will be a condition within the Conveyancing Information Executive Member's Terms and Conditions.
- Conveyancing Information Executive Members will promote the benefits of and deliver the Search to the agreed standards and in the best interests of the customer and associated parties.
Complaints Advice
If you have a query or complaint about your search, you should raise it directly with the search firm, and if appropriate ask for any complaint to be considered under their formal internal complaints procedure.
If you remain dissatisfied with the firm's final response, after your complaint has been formally considered, or if the firm has exceeded the response timescales, you may refer your complaint for consideration under The Property Ombudsman scheme (TPOs). The Ombudsman can award up to £5,000 to you if the Ombudsman finds that you have suffered actual financial loss and/or aggravation, distress or inconvenience as a result of your search provider failing to keep to the Standards.
Please note that all queries or complaints regarding your search should be directed to your search provider in the first instance, not to TPOs.
Complaints Procedure
We hope you do not need to make a formal complaint regarding your searches however if you wish to do so you need to email your complaint to
info@groundsure.com and copy in your case handler at SAM Conveyancing. We will ensure the matter is escalated to ensure you receive a speedy response.
The Search Company will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days of receipt and normally provide a final response, in writing, within 20 working days of receipt.
If you are not satisfied with our final response, or if we exceed the response timescales, you may refer the complaint to The Property Ombudsman (TPO) scheme (Tel: 01722 333306, Web site:
www.tpos.co.uk, E-mail:
admin@tpos.co.uk). Groundsure will co-operate fully with the Ombudsman during an investigation and comply with the final decision.
Accepting our Terms of Business
By ticking the button online "I Agree to the Terms & Conditions" in this form you are accepting these terms of service. If terms received by email then please email
help@samconveyancing.co.uk stating "I Agree to the Terms & Conditions".
Updated: 10th November 2022