Order a Flood Report


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SAM Conveyancing
19 Silwood Road
T: 0207 112 5388

We use the following Search Company to obtain your property searches:

Future Climate Info Limited (the 'Search Company'), a company registered in England and Wales under a registration number 08318444
Registered Address
Courtyard House, The Square, Lightwater, Surrey, GU18 5SS
Trading Address
Office 119, 26 Kings Hill Avenue, Kings Hill, West Malling ME19 4AE
Contact number
+44 (0) 1732 755 180
Contact email

You are bound by their Terms and Conditions and are deemed to have accepted these Terms upon payment for your property searches. You can read the Search Company's Terms here - FCI Terms and Conditions.

We do not accept any responsibility for the service provided by the Search Company.

Report Notes

This report is a desk study risk assessment, and no site or ground inspection or physical investigation has been carried out.

The impacts of the risks addressed in this report are normally measured in terms of quiet enjoyment, saleability, mortgageability, and the value of the property; the risk assessment in this report is provided by FCI who are regulated by RICS.

The cover page of this report should always be read in conjunction with the full report. The Professional Opinion indicates the potential risks and any other potential issues associated with the property. The results should be disclosed to client and/or lender and/or insurer as appropriate.

A ‘Pass’ is given if no potential property specific risk has been identified.

A ‘Pass with Considerations’ is given where there are potential hazards in the locality to bear in mind, or if there are features nearby which some clients might consider could affect them.

A ‘Further Action’ is given if there is a potential property specific risk and a further action is advised.

In the event of a request to review the Professional Opinion based on additional information, or if there are any technical queries, the professional advisor who ordered the report should contact FCI-Admin@dyedurham.com, or call 01732 755 180.

Flood Insurance

The answers given on the availability of flood insurance reflect the flood re - insurance scheme, known as Flood Re, which was launched 1st April 2016. Flood Re has been set up to help those households who live in a flood risk area find affordable home insurance. Flood Re should make no difference to purchasing home insurance, whether that’s through a price comparison site, directly from an insurer or through a broker. There is no need to contact Flood Re directly. Flood Re is intended to give peace of mind that, even after a flood claim, flood insurance should still be available with affordable premiums and excesses.

Not every residential property is eligible to benefit from Flood Re, for full information about the scheme, including eligibility, see floodre.co.uk.

An overall ‘JBA Floodability Rating’ is given in this report based solely on JBA Floodability data. This shows the combined flood hazard, in 5 metre grid cells, from multiple sources i.e. river, sea and surface water flooding. Over 85% of insurers use JBA data when assessing flood risk. The JBA Floodability Rating is represented by colour indicators (black, red, amber, green or clear).

For locations rating Black 1 (High) and Black 2 (Very High) there is more likely to be a correlation between JBA Floodability and a residential property being included within Flood Re by a participating insurer. These indicators however provide no assurance or guarantee that insurance / insurance covering flood risk will or will not be available, no reliance should be placed upon the colour indicators, and appropriate additional enquiries should be made as to the actual availability (or not) of insurance / insurance covering flood risk. Every insurance application is unique, so other perils, risks or a previous claims history may mean that insurance is not available in any event.

Flood Risk and Impact on Value

The flood risk assessment in this report is based on the best available historic, river, sea, and surface water flooding data. This includes data supplied by the Environment Agency and JBA. A flood risk assessment using these data sources, however, should not be regarded as definitive. Because the flood risk assessment is based on theoretical risk models, there is always the possibility that exceptional weather conditions and/or failure of flood defences can cause flooding that was not anticipated. No site visit has taken place.

The Professional Opinion on flood risk given in this report is based on a flood risk assessment of River, Sea and Surface Water flooding, using Environment Agency and JBA data. If there is a history of flooding it is reported but it is not included in the flood risk assessment because circumstances can change, for example the provision of flood defences, causing the flood conditions to be different today. Susceptibility to groundwater flooding is reported but is also not included in the flood risk assessment; this is because the data identifies geological conditions which could enable groundwater flooding to occur, but does not model the risk of such an occurrence.

RICS advises that flood risk does reduce the value of a property, compared with a similar property without such a risk. This depends on the particular circumstances of the property, any history of flooding, and the provision of flood defences. For some ‘at risk’ property, for example, the reduction in value may be offset by an increase due to the property’s amenity value close to a river, stream or coast.

Flood Planning, Flood Warning and Reporting, and Flood Resistance and Resilience Measures

Detailed advice on flooding and resistance and resilience measures, flood risk planning and costs, and flood warning and reporting systems, is available from the following websites:

Standard T&Cs

This report is supplied by Future Climate Info Limited subject to their Terms and Conditions of Business.

Queries and complaints

In the event of product and content queries please contact FCI-Admin@dyedurham.com. Their formal complaints procedure can be found at futureclimateinfo.com.

Search Code

This search has been produced by Future Climate Info Ltd, Office 119, 26 Kings Hill Avenue, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4AE, Telephone 01732 755 180, Email: fci-admin@dyedurham.com, which is registered with the Property Codes Compliance Board (PCCB) as a subscriber to the Search Code. The PCCB independently monitors how registered search firms maintain compliance with the Code.

The Search Code:

  • Provides protection for homebuyers, sellers, estate agents, conveyancers and mortgage lenders who rely on the information included in property search reports undertaken by subscribers on residential and commercial property within the United Kingdom.
  • Sets out minimum standards which firms compiling and selling search reports have to meet.
  • Promotes the best practice and quality standards within the industry for the benefit of consumers and property professionals.
  • Enables consumers and property professionals to have confidence in firms which subscribe to the code, their products and services.

By giving you this information, the search firm is confirming that they keep to the principles of the Code. This provides important protection for you.

The Code’s core principles

Firms which subscribe to the Search Code will:
  • display the Search Code logo prominently on their search reports.
  • act with integrity and carry out work with due skill, care and diligence
  • at all times maintain adequate and appropriate insurance to protect consumers
  • conduct business in an honest, fair and professional manner
  • handle complaints speedily and fairly
  • ensure that products and services comply with industry registration rules and standards and relevant laws
  • monitor their compliance with the Code

Complaints Procedure
We hope you do not need to make a formal complaint regarding your searches however if you wish to do so you need to email your complaint to fci-admin@dyedurham.com and copy in your case handler at SAM Conveyancing. We will ensure the matter is escalated to ensure you receive a speedy response.

The Search Company will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days of receipt and normally provide a final response, in writing, within 20 working days of receipt.

Future Climate Info Ltd is registered with the Property Codes Compliance Board as a subscriber to the Search Code. A key commitment under the Code is that firms will handle any complaints both speedily and fairly.

If you are not satisfied with our final response, or if we exceed the response timescales, you may refer the complaint to The Property Ombudsman (TPO) scheme (Tel: 01722 333306, Web site: www.tpos.co.uk, E-mail: admin@tpos.co.uk). FCI will co-operate fully with the Ombudsman during an investigation and comply with his final decision

You can read the Search Company's formal complaints procedure here - Complaints Procedure

Accepting our Terms of Business

By ticking the button online "I Agree to the Terms & Conditions" in this form you are accepting these terms of service. If terms received by email then please email help@samconveyancing.co.uk stating "I Agree to the Terms & Conditions".
Updated: 21st October 2022
Fixed Fee
Flood Risk Report


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We are processing your order

What happens next?

    We will check your title plan or download a plan from the Land Registry
    We order your Flood Risk Report
    Within 2 hours* we email you your Flood Risk Report
For now just sit back and we'll email you as soon as your Flood Risk Report is available.
Flood Risk Report Ordered with SAM Conveyancing  

Commons Registration

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Planning Report

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Local Authority

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Climate Risk Report

Conveyancing Searches Example: Climate Report

Environmental Appraisal

Conveyancing Searches Example: Environmental Appraisal

Environmental Report

Environmental Search

Flood Appraisal

Conveyancing Searches Example: Flood Appraisal

Flood Risk

Flood Risk Report

Coal Mining

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Subsidence Report


Chancel Search


Radon Search

Discounted Bundle of Searches

Order the most common searches required for purchasing a property at a discounted price.

Chancel Search

Chancel Search


Drainage and Water Search

Climate Risk Report

Conveyancing Searches Example: Climate Report

Environmental Report

Environmental Search

Regulated Local Authority

Regulated Local Authority Search

£295 INC VAT

*This only applies to properties currently registered at the Land Registry with a downloadable title plan. If we cannot download a title plan we will inform you and refund the cost of the Report in full.

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  • Helpful, Knowledgeable, Friendly, Responsive

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