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We use the following Search Company to obtain your property searches:

Dye & Durham (UK) Limited (formerly Terrafirma IDC Limited)
Imperium, Imperial Way, Reading, RG2 0TD
Contact number
0330 900 7500
Contact email

You are bound by their Terms and Conditions and are deemed to have accepted these Terms upon payment for your property searches. You can read the Search Company's Terms here - Dye & Durham Terms and Conditions.

We do not accept any responsibility for the service provided by the Search Company.

Climate Report Terms and Conditions
These terms and conditions apply to the Climate Report produced by Dye & Durham (UK) Limited (formerly Terrafirma IDC Limited) and are supplemental to the standard Conditions of Contract for Dye & Durham (UK) Limited (formerly Terrafirma IDC Limited) Reports, a copy of which can be found at: https://www.terrafirmaidc.co.uk/terms_and_conditions.

This report is based on the site submitted at point of order (the Site). Our assessment and communication of future climate hazards is based on the soil subsidence and coastal erosion modules from the National Ground Risk Model: Climate™, which considers the future climate scenarios based on the IPCC emission scenarios. The assessment of future regional climate change is informed by the UK Climate Projections data (UKCP18). The assessment of flood hazard is informed by flood hazard data from Fathom.

No inspection of the Site has been undertaken and this report does not constitute a property survey. Additional information on the datasets used is provided below. This report does not include a site investigation, nor does Dye & Durham (UK) Limited (formerly Terrafirma IDC Limited) make specific information requests of the regulatory authorities for any relevant information they may hold regarding the environmental conditions or ground stability of the Site. This report is concerned solely with the site searched and should not be used in connection with adjacent properties.

For the avoidance of doubt this report does not consider matters related to underground services, land ownership, planning considerations, unexploded ordinance, contamination, pollution, ecological or environmental issues, asbestos or radioactive waste.

It should be noted that unrecorded or unexpected ground hazards can exist. Dye & Durham (UK) Limited (formerly Terrafirma IDC Limited) cannot be held responsible for any damage or ground-related problems because of your site being affected by hazards which are unrecorded or where any relevant information on the hazards is either not available or is of poor quality.

The report is based on available data at the time of preparation. The report has been carried out with reference to licensed data supplied by the British Geological Survey (BGS), Ordnance Survey (OS), HM Land Registry, Environment Agency, UK Climate Projections (UKCP18) and Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX). The assessment of flood hazard is informed by flood hazard data from Fathom.

In some cases, data is made up of information supplied to Dye & Durham (UK) Limited (formerly Terrafirma IDC Limited) by third parties, of which Dye & Durham (UK) Limited (formerly Terrafirma IDC Limited) has no direct knowledge. Dye & Durham (UK) Limited (formerly Terrafirma IDC Limited) has endeavoured to verify all database entries, however, given the nature of this third-party information, Dye & Durham (UK) Limited (formerly Terrafirma IDC Limited) can have no liability for the accuracy of the information comprising the databases or for any loss of whatever nature directly or indirectly caused which may result from any reliance placed upon it. The data used to compile this report is continually updated. In line with all search data, if there is a delay in using this report a new version may be required to ensure the most current information is available.

This report has been completed in accordance with the Dye & Durham (UK) Limited (formerly Terrafirma IDC Limited) professionally reviewed methodology, produced to evaluate the process of analysing multiple datasets with professional interpretation to provide an evaluation into the changing hazard exposure to property from climate related hazards over the remaining decades of the 21st century. Using this methodology and the available data, we have endeavoured to provide as accurate a report as possible. This report is a ʻremoteʼ or ʻdesktopʼ investigation and only reviews information provided by the client (the site location) and from the databases of publicly available (either freely or by licence) information.

Future climate scenarios
To model and predict future climate it is necessary to make assumptions about changes to our environment that will influence climate change. Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) are a method for capturing those assumptions within a set of scenarios. The conditions of each scenario are used in the process of modelling possible future climate evolution. RCPs specify concentrations of greenhouse gases that will result in total radiative forcing increasing by a target amount by 2100, relative to pre-industrial levels. Total radiative forcing is the difference between the incoming and outgoing radiation at the top of the atmosphere. Radiative forcing targets for 2100 have been set at 2.6, 4.5, 6.0 and 8.5 watts per square metre (W/m²) to span a wide range of plausible future emissions scenarios and these targets are incorporated into the names of the RCPs; RCP2.6, RCP4.5, RCP6.0 and RCP8.5. Each pathway results in a different range of global mean temperatures.

This report considers incorporates two emission scenarios, a Medium and High Emission Scenario. The Medium Emissions Scenario is equivalent to 2.4°C global warming by 2100s. The High Emissions Scenario is equivalent to 4.3°C global warming by 2100s. For soil subsidence, extreme wind days and flooding data the emission scenarios are based on the UKCP18 Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP). RCP4.5 is considered to be the most likely or expected scenario to occur, termed a Medium Emissions Scenario* in this report. RCP8.5 is considered to be the current worst case or most extreme scenario to occur, termed a High Emissions Scenario** in this report.

Soil subsidence
Information on soil subsidence is based on multiple open data sources, combined with the UK Climate Projections (UKCP18) climate data to communicate the changing exposure to the soil subsidence hazard. This section is provided to aid the evaluation of exposure to the subsidence hazard and should not be used as evidence that subsidence claims do or do not exist at the Site. Dye & Durham (UK) Limited (formerly Terrafirma IDC Limited) cannot accept responsibility for the presence of any claims or their accuracy.

Coastal erosion
This module considers information from the shoreline management policy for the local area and assesses the instability and erosion risk to the site up to the end of the century from the EA National Coastal Erosion Risk Mapping (NCERM) data. This is aligned with a number of climate scenarios to communicate the changing exposure to the coastal erosion hazard. Whilst every effort has been made to incorporate the various controls into the model, it is possible that the rate of erosion could be affected by factors outside of the scope of this assessment.

The sections on flooding consider UK flood data from flood risk intelligence company, Fathom. The evaluation considers the climate change scenarios between the present day and the end of this century, and the potential changes to flooding from the rivers, the sea and pluvial flooding. Flooding from groundwater is not included. The evaluation considers a variety of return periods, ranging from a 1 in 5-year flood event (i.e., high frequency, low magnitude) to 1 in 1000-year flood event (i.e., low frequency, high magnitude). The hazard exposure categorisation is therefore based on a balance between frequency and magnitude.

Our flooding exposure scoring for each time period, category and emission scenario are determined based on 30m resolution flooding data sets provided by Fathom. These datasets indicate under which frequency, if any, a property can expect to experience flooding. Frequencies are given as return periods, which can be interpreted as follows: if a given year with the conditions in that year were to be experienced 100 times, and if only in 1 of those times would flooding be experienced, we can say it would be flooded in a 1 in 100 return period (as well as in any less frequent return period, such as 1 in 200 or 1 in 1000). For a flood period of 1 in 100, it refers to the estimated time interval between events of a similar size or intensity.

The above can also be expressed as the probability of occurring being 1/100, or 1% in any one year. It is important to remember this does not mean that if a flood with such a return period occurs, then the next will occur in about one hundred years' time. It means that, in any given year, there is a 1% chance that it will happen, regardless of when the last similar event was. A 1 in 100 year flood is 10 times less likely to occur than a flood with a return period of 10 years (or a probability of 10%).

To this extent, we have assigned the following exposure categories for flooding risk:
  • High, 1 in 20 (or greater) return period
  • Medium, 1 in 100 (or greater) return period
  • Low, 1 in 1000 (or greater) return period
  • Very Low, not flooded in the above return periods

The evaluation of the flooding hazards does not consider the history of flooding for a property. Even though a property has been affected by flooding in the past, circumstances can change, for example the construction of new flood defences can alter flood conditions. This report does not provide any information or advice on flood resilience measures, but more information can be found here:

UK and local climate
General information on future UK specific climate projections is based on Met Office data. Local climate projections are based on Climate Projections data (UKCP18) . This section provides summary of the modelled changes (if any) to local temperature, rainfall, windspeed and number of storm days for the summer and winter seasons of the present decade, 2030s, 2050s and 2070s.

Local Authority data
This section provides basic information on the actions taken (or not) by the Local Authority and a summary of greenhouse gas emissions. This is intended to be for information only, therefore this report does not provide an evaluation or professional opinion based on this data.

More information on Local Authority Data:

Copyright Statements
Any external or third-party data used within this report is referenced or licensed under agreement from the provider. Attribution or licencing statements are stated below. To view more about our data providers and partners, please visit our website.

Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown Copyright 2023.
Contains OS data © Crown Copyright 2023.
Contains Met Office data © Crown Copyright 2023.
Contains Environment Agency information © Environment Agency
Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.
Contains Office Hadley Centre (2019): UKCP18 Convection-Permitting Model Projections for the UK at 2.2km resolution. NERC EDS Centre for Environmental Data Analysis.

Important consumer information
This search has been produced by Dye & Durham (UK) Limited (formerly Terrafirma IDC Limited). Imperium, Imperial Way, Reading, RG2 0TD. Email: insight-info@dyedurham.com. Telephone: 0330 900 7500

Registered with the Property Codes Compliance Board (PCCB) as a subscriber to the Search Code. The PCCB independently monitors how registered search firms maintain compliance with the Code.

The Search Code
The Search Code provides protection for homebuyers, sellers, estate agents, conveyancers and mortgage lenders who rely on the information included in property search reports undertaken by subscribers on residential and commercial property within the United Kingdom. It sets out minimum standards which firms compiling and selling search reports have to meet. It promotes the best practice and quality standards within the industry for the benefit of consumers and property professionals. It also enables consumers and property professionals to have confidence in firms which subscribe to the code, their products and services.

By giving you this information, the search firm is confirming that they keep to the principles of the Code. This provides important protection for you.

The Code's core principles
Firms which subscribe to the Search Code will:
  • Display the Search Code logo prominently on their search reports.
  • Act with integrity and carry out work with due skill, care and diligence.
  • At all times maintain adequate and appropriate insurance to protect consumer.
  • Conduct business in an honest, fair and professional manner.
  • Handle complaints speedily and fairly.
  • Ensure that products and services comply with industry registration rules and standards and relevant laws.
  • Monitor their compliance with the Code.

If you have a query or complaint about your search, you should raise it directly with the search firm, and if appropriate ask for any complaint to be considered under their formal internal complaints procedure. If you remain dissatisfied with the firm's final response, after your complaint has been formally considered, or if the firm has exceeded the response timescales, you may refer your complaint for consideration under The Property Ombudsman scheme (TPOs). The Ombudsman can award up to £5,000 to you if the Ombudsman finds that you have suffered actual financial loss and/or aggravation, distress or inconvenience as a result of your search provider failing to keep to the Code. Please note that all queries or complaints regarding your search should be directed to your search provider in the first instance, not to TPOs or to the PCCB.

TPOs contact details
The Property Ombudsman Scheme. Milford House, 43-55 Milford Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 2BP. Tel: 01722 333306 Fax: 01722 332296. Email: admin@tpos.co.uk | Website: www.tpos.co.uk. You can get more information about the PCCB from pccb.org.uk or from our website at www.terrafirmaidc.co.uk.

Complaints Procedure
Dye & Durham (UK) Limited (formerly Terrafirma IDC Limited) is registered with the Property Codes Compliance Board as a subscriber to the Search Code. A key commitment under the Code is that firms will handle any complaints both speedily and fairly. If you want to make a complaint directly to Dye & Durham (UK) Limited (formerly Terrafirma IDC Limited), we will:
  • Acknowledge it within 5 working days of receipt.
  • Normally deal with it fully and provide a final response, in writing, within 20 working days of receipt.
  • Keep you informed by letter, telephone or e-mail, as you prefer, if we need more time.
  • Provide a final response, in writing, at the latest within 40 working days of receipt.
  • Liaise, at your request, with anyone acting formally on your behalf.

If you are not satisfied with our final response, or if we exceed the response timescales, you may refer the complaint to: The Property Ombudsman scheme. Tel: 01722 333306 E-mail: admin@tpos.co.uk | Website: www.tpos.co.uk.

We will co-operate fully with the Ombudsman during an investigation and comply with his final decision. Complaints should be sent to: Director & Senior Executive, Dye & Durham (UK) Limited (formerly Terrafirma IDC Limited). Imperium, Imperial Way, Reading, RG2 0TD.

Telephone: 0330 900 7500. Email: insight-info@dyedurham.com.

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Updated: 16th June 2023
Fixed Fee
Climate Risk Report


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    We order your Climate Risk Report
    Within 2 hours* we email you the Report
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£295 INC VAT

*This only applies to properties currently registered at the Land Registry with a downloadable title plan. If we cannot download a title plan we will inform you and refund the cost of the Report in full.

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