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Property Information Form TA6 explained by SAM Conveyancing

Property Information Form TA6

Last Updated: 17/05/2024
7 min read
Key Takeaways
  • TA6 form is a standardised seller's property information form - a list of questions completed by all sellers. It contains relevant information about the property, which the buyer will rely on when making their purchase.
  • The standard protocol forms are sent to you by your solicitor after you instruct them. Read more - What documents do solicitors need when selling a house?
  • Any information that is intentionally excluded can entitle the buyer to make a misrepresentation claim. We explain how to fill in the form further down below.
  • The conveyancing process can be slowed down by inaccuracies or lack of information in the TA6 form, as the buyer's solicitor will need to raise further legal enquiries.

What is a property information form TA6?

The Law Society’s Property Information Form, also known as TA6, is essentially a sellers property information form. It is completed by a property seller to give a potential buyer detailed information about the property being sold. The Property Information Form TA6 is one of three standard Law Society protocol forms a seller completes. These are:

What is the purpose of the property information form?

The TA6 is a key document that the buyer relies upon in deciding whether to purchase your property or not. You should:

  • complete the form to the best of your knowledge;
  • provide all supporting evidence you hold in relation to your property (see below)
  • do not include information you know to be incorrect; and
  • do not exclude information that you know should be included;

What happens if a seller lies on a TA6 form?

If you give incorrect or incomplete information to the buyer (on the TA6 form, or otherwise in writing or in conversation, whether through your estate agent, solicitor or directly to the buyer), the buyer may make a claim for compensation from you or refuse to complete the purchase.

If you have had incorrect information given to you when buying, you might be able to start a misrepresentation claim.

We specialise in helping sellers complete as quickly and smoothly as possible, including guiding them on filling in their protocol forms. If you need any help with your sale, please contact us at 0333 344 3234 or you can run an online quote by using the form below. Our legal fees are fixed and we offer a No Sale No Fee on all of our sale work.

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What questions are on a TA6?

The property information form then covers separate subjects with questions to be answered by the seller. These are:

Information about who takes responsibility to ‘maintain or repair’ boundaries is considered, among other matters. A question is also asked about whether any notice has been received under the Party Wall Act 1996 regarding shared boundaries.
TA6 Form - Boundaries
Disputes and Complaints
This concerns the property in question or ‘a property nearby’ and includes disputes with neighbours.
TA6 Form - Disputes and complaints
Notices and proposals
This addresses if there are any notices or proposals known about which might affect the property such as from the local council.
TA6 Form - Notices and proposals
Alterations, planning and building control
This addresses whether any building works have been done or are in progress and whether these have been properly carried out regarding planning permission and building regulations. This is a section where certificates and paperwork are highly important as evidence. Missing planning permission, for example, will make the buyer liable for demolition or restoration should the planning authority enforce remedial actions.
TA6 Form - Alterations, planning and building control
Guarantees and warranties
This concerns stating whether or not there are guarantees for work such as timber treatment, roofing, damp proofing, underpinning and electrical work. Where possible, you should provide copies of these, e.g. FENSA certificates (for double glazing) and NHBC certificates (which accompany New Build properties).
TA6 Form - Guarantees and warranties
Concerns whether the seller has buildings insurance, whether there has been any claims etc.
TA6 Form - Insurance
Environmental Matters
This concerns matters such as flooding, radon, energy efficiency and Japanese Knotweed. Regarding energy efficiency, the seller is asked to provide an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). This is a legal requirement, about which the Government has stated:
"You can be fined between £500 and £5,000 based on the rateable value of the building if you don’t make an EPC available to any prospective buyer or tenant."
TA6 Form - Environmental Matters
Rights and informal arrangements
This section relates mainly to access rights and shared use but also asks questions about whether there are any obscure local laws in force which a buyer should know about.
TA6 Form - Rights and informal arrangements
This section relates to matters relating to car and vehicle parking and related terms and conditions.
TA6 Form - Parking
Other charges
This concerns whether there are payments to a management company for example or for the use of a private drainage system.
TA6 Form - Other charges
This concerns who lives at the property and whether it is being sold with vacant possession, i.e. it will have no people living there when the new owner moves in.
TA6 Form - Occupiers
This addresses electricity, central heating and drainage/sewerage provision, whether any of these have been tested or upgraded etc.
TA6 Form - Services
Connections to Utilities and Services
Questions about what utilities and services are connected to the property and supplier information.
TA6 Form - Connections to utilities and services
Transaction Information
Some miscellaneous questions including e.g., whether the seller is depending on a purchase on the same day as selling the property, whether the seller will ensure the removal of rubbish prior to completion date and whether they will ensure that reasonable care will be taken with removals.
TA6 Form - Transaction information

The seller or sellers have, finally, to sign and date the completed form. In many ways, much of the conveyancing work starts with the seller completing the property information forms. They complete the form normally with advice from their solicitor, who passes the form over to the other side's solicitor.

How to complete the TA6 Property Information form

Notes to the seller
  • The seller is advised to state clearly when they do not have an answer to a question and to consult their solicitor throughout. It is clearly stated here that you don’t have to fill in the form, but not doing so is likely to cause delays.
  • The seller is advised to tell their solicitor immediately if they become aware of ‘any information’ which would alter replies that have been given. They are also advised not to change any arrangements concerning the property (e.g. with atenant or a neighbour) without advising their solicitor.
  • The seller is advised not to give incorrect/inaccurate or incomplete information. In addition to the possibility that a buyer might pull out as a consequence, it is clearly stated that ’the buyer may make a claim for compensation from you’. This is the case even though you do not legally have to complete the form.
  • The instructions make clear that a seller can not be expected to have ‘expert knowledge of legal or technical matters’ nor ‘matters that occurred prior to your ownership of the property’.
  • The need for the seller to provide any ‘paperwork’ which assists in answering any of the questions is firmly emphasised.
Notes to the buyer
  • The buyer is advised to tell their solicitor about any material, separate from the form, which arises concerning the property (from any party involved, whether in conversation or writing etc.).
  • The importance of booking an independent home buyers survey is emphasised regarding getting an opinion on the ‘physical condition of the property’ – it is clearly stated that the form should not be regarded as a substitute for this.
  • Finally, the point about not regarding the seller as a legal or technical expert and not expecting them to have knowledge of matters prior to their ownership of the property is made.

Once the buyer’s solicitor has the form, then it can be examined to find out about various essential matters, such as whether the property has central heating or damp proofing with appropriate guarantees.

Legal enquiries are raised on the back of the information provide by the seller and it is often the case that more enquiries are raised because of information missing in the Property Information Form. This is why it is important to fill in the form as accurately as possible because omissions and errors will delay the conveyancing process. Read more - What can hold up exchange of contracts on a house?

Reasonable speed in completing and returning the form is also highly important: it is very common that conveyancing processes are held up while waiting for the seller to complete and return their TA6.

How do I get a property information form?

As part of our services, our conveyancing solicitors will provide you with a Property Information TA6 Form, which you can fill in on your phone or computer.

You can, however, check the sample below if you wish to download and 'get acquainted' with a Property Information Form TA6.

Frequently Asked Questions
Andrew Boast of Sam Conveyancing
Written by:

Andrew started his career in 2000 working within conveyancing solicitor firms and grew hands-on knowledge of a wide variety of conveyancing challenges and solutions. After helping in excess of 50,000 clients in his career, he uses all this experience within his article writing for SAM, mainstream media and his self published book How to Buy a House Without Killing Anyone.

Caragh Bailey, Digital Marketing Manager
Reviewed by:

Caragh is an excellent writer and copy editor of books, news articles and editorials. She has written extensively for SAM for a variety of conveyancing, survey, property law and mortgage-related articles.

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