Fixed Fee Policy & Fixed Additional Fee Policy

The Solicitors Regulatory Authority provides Transparency rules to firms they regulate to ensure clients know the cost of a particular legal service and what a fee includes and doesn't include. As an introducer to SRA-regulated solicitor firms, we follow the same transparency guidance to aid you in your decision to work with one of our panel solicitors. We include for you below:

  • Our Fixed Fee Table of Fees.
  • What services are included within the Fixed Fee.
  • Any Additional Services not included in the Fixed Fee that might reasonably be expected to be included.

Read more: SRA - Guidance on Transparency in price and service

Purchase Conveyancing Fixed Fee Policy

Updated: 27th January 2025 at 11:37am

We provide a competitive Fixed Fee to include the legal work for a standard conveyancing transaction. We build your Fixed Fee quote based on the following variables:

Purchase Price
Purchase scheme
Purchase Price
  • Current market value, not what you are paying for the property*
  • Freehold
  • Leasehold/Share of Freehold
  • Cash purchase
  • Getting a loan/mortgage
Purchase scheme
  • Shared Ownership
  • Right to Buy
  • Discount Market Sale
  • Auction
  • New Build

The complexity and time it takes to complete each of the above differs, and the Fixed Fee reflects this. We will re-quote your Fixed Fee quote if you provide incorrect information or your transaction changes. For example, if you are buying a leasehold but were quoted for a leasehold.

What work is included within the Fixed Fee?

What’s Included
Freehold Review ID and proof of funds (including one gift, if applicable), review draft contracts, raise legal enquiries, prepare a report on title and exchange contracts, and make one bank transfer. Complete and register the new title ownership at the Land Registry.
Leasehold Review ID and proof of funds (includes one gift), review draft contracts, raise legal enquiries, including a leasehold management pack, prepare a report on title and exchange contracts, make one bank transfer, and complete and register the new title ownership at the Land Registry.
Share of freehold Review ID and proof of funds (includes one gift), review draft contracts, raise legal enquiries, including a leasehold management pack, prepare a report on title, exchange contracts, one bank transfer, completion, and register the new title ownership for the leasehold and freehold (if applicable) at the Land Registry.
Getting a mortgage
(excludes Bridging Loans)
Review the mortgage offer, confirm satisfactory enquiries for the specific mortgage lender, check the offer's special conditions, send a Certificate of Title (COT), and register the mortgage lender’s charge at the Land Registry. This does not include work for special conditions such as independent legal advice or an occupier consent form.

Purchase Scheme
What’s Included
Shared Ownership Receive Memorandum of Sale from Housing Association (if new build), review new build documents and raise enquiries, provide a copy of the mortgage offer to the Housing Association, obtain Authority to Exchange and register the Housing Association restriction at the Land Registry.
Right to Buy Receive Memorandum of Sale from the council, handle council enquiries, provide a copy of the mortgage offer to the council, obtain Authority to Complete and register the council’s restriction at the Land Registry.
Discount Market Sale Receive Memorandum of Sale from the council, handle council enquiries, provide a copy of the mortgage offer to the council, obtain Authority to Complete and register the council’s restriction at the Land Registry.
Auction Post-auction work, we receive an auction pack from a client or auction house and expedite completion to achieve the auction deadline.
New Build
Review new build documents, raise legal enquiries and expedite completion in new build timeframes.

Additional Fixed Fee Policy

Any services not included in the Fixed Fee that might reasonably be expected to be included are listed below.

What’s Included
Fixed Fee INC VAT
Additional Bank Transfer
We include one bank transfer in our main Fixed Fee quote. If you want more than one same-day bank transfer, you pay an additional fee for each transfer.

Additional gifts
Our fixed fee includes the legal work of checking and reviewing a gift from one person. If you receive gifts from more than one person, you must pay an additional cost per person.

The work includes a review ID, proof of funds, gift letter and (if applicable) obtaining mortgage lender consent.

(per gift)
Additional loan or mortgage
(other than your first charge mortgage)
We will charge this fee if you want to get more than one loan or mortgage.

Reviewing the mortgage offer, confirming satisfactory enquiries for the specific mortgage lender, checking the offer's special conditions, sending a Certificate of Title (COT), and registering the mortgage lender’s charge at the Land Registry. It does not include work for special conditions such as independent legal advice or an occupier consent form.

Additional title/land
Suppose there is more than one title as part of the transaction. In that case, your solicitor must include this within the transfer and investigate whether the transaction can proceed with the additional title. Review the original conveyance and report on restrictive covenants, charges or easements.

£240 per additional title.
Apply an anti-fraud restriction
You may want your solicitor to apply an anti-fraud restriction to your legal title, a Form LL. This restriction stops anyone from impersonating and selling your property without your knowledge. In the future, when you sell or remortgage, the restriction requires a solicitor to verify who you are and will charge you a fee for this service. Read more here - Form LL costs and process explained

The work includes applying the restriction at the Land Registry. If you don't want it, you can choose not to have it and save on the cost.

Bridging Loan
The work includes reviewing the loan offer, handling the enquiries of the bridging finance company, drawing down the loan and registering restrictions at the Land Registry.

The work does not include the independent legal advice the bridging loan company requires. We have an independent solicitor if you require one. Please contact us for a quote.

Building Safety Act
Is your leasehold:

  • in a block of flats at least 11 metres in height or has at least 5 storeys;
  • built between June 1992 and June 2022; and
  • owned by a qualifying leaseholder as of the 14th of February 2022.

If the answer is yes, then you likely need to have the Leaseholder Certificate and Landlord Certificate obtained for you. There is a lot of work involved in obtaining these certificates. Please ask for a more detailed quote immediately.

from £900 to £1200 INC VAT
Buying in a company name
If you are buying in a company name, the solicitor will charge an additional fixed fee for the company and director due diligence.

The cost is often already built into the fixed fee; however, it is charged if excluded.

Change/Amend Mortgage Offer
If your bank provides a mortgage offer and you choose to change to another one, either with the same lender or a new one, we will charge to review the mortgage offer and provide our report to you.

Change name at the Land Registry
If you need your name changed at the Land Registry, such as an error in missing a middle name or a change due to marriage, we can help complete the AP1 to correct the entry at the Land Registry.

Communicating Separately with Clients
If we are acting on your file due to a separation, deceased estate, etc., and you wish us to correspond/communicate with each of our clients separately, we will charge an additional fee for this extra work. This fee may increase depending on how many clients are subject to the transaction.

Communicating with third-party solicitors
Suppose you require your solicitor to liaise with a third-party solicitor, such as a divorce solicitor. In that case, your solicitor can support you with this and take your instructions on what you require and what the third-party solicitor needs.

Deed of Covenant
Some leaseholds require the new leaseholder to enter a deed of covenant with the freeholder.

The work includes reviewing the deed of covenant provided by the freeholder, addressing any enquiries, submitting the deed to you for signing, and registering the deed at the Land Registry.

Deed of Surrender - Surrender a lease
A formal deed of surrender is entered between the landlord and tenant, setting out the terms upon which the tenant surrenders the lease and hands back the property to the landlord. Terms can be agreed regarding the payment of monies from either landlord to tenant or tenant to landlord, depending on the circumstances and why the parties have agreed to surrender the lease.

From a tenant’s point of view, a deed of surrender should ideally contain a release from all continuing obligations and subsisting breaches under the lease terms. The tenant, in other words, should be able to walk away from the lease without the fear of a large dilapidation claim landing on their doorstep a week later. Depending on the terms negotiated between the parties, the ideal scenario is for both parties to walk away from the lease without fearing a claim from the other party arising following the date of surrender. Whether this is achievable will depend upon the circumstances and the negotiations between the parties, which will be set out as commitments within the deed of surrender itself.

A Surrender by operation of law is used when the seller is selling the freehold and leasehold. Certain acts can be agreed upon by the landlord and tenant together that enable both parties to treat the lease as being at an end. The conduct of both parties must unequivocally amount to an acceptance that the tenancy has ended, for example, by the relinquishment of possession and its acceptance by the landlord. Neither the landlord nor the tenant should dispute that the tenancy has ended. There must be an explicit agreement by either the landlord or the tenant that the tenancy is ended, indicated by the tenant quitting the premises and the landlord taking possession; the giving and taking of possession must be unequivocal.

Deed of Trust
If you want a deed drafted to confirm your beneficial interest split in the property. Read more here: What is a Deed of Trust?

The work includes reviewing your intentions and drafting a deed (you have one free revision), submitting the deed to you for signing and registering the deed at the Land Registry.

Deed of Variation to your lease
If you want to vary the terms of the existing lease you are buying, you need to obtain the freeholder's consent and agree to the freeholder's costs and fees (you will be liable for the freeholder’s costs).

The work includes reviewing the deed of variation and confirming the costs of the freeholder. Provide an undertaking for their costs (you must pay these before this can be given), submitting the deed to you for signing and registering the deed at the Land Registry.

Defective Title or Reconstruction of Title
If you are selling/buying or re-mortgaging and cannot provide a clear line of ownership, then we will charge for the work involved in obtaining evidence and producing Land Registry documents to ensure the transaction can proceed.

If you are buying and there are issues within the legal title of easements (access) that we need to amend or restrictive covenants that have been breached and/or need amendment, then we will charge for the documents that need completing and the work involved with the Land Registry in rectifying the title to allow the transactions to proceed to completion.

EPC Download
We will charge for sourcing and downloading a copy when not provided with the EPC.

Epitome of Tite/Unregistered Title
(Unregistered title at the Land Registry)
If you are buying or selling a property that is not registered with the Land Registry, we must draft an Epitome of Title (if we are selling) or review the Epitome of Title and the Root of Title (if we are buying). We must ensure there is a clear line of ownership through various title deeds to ensure we can sell the property or register you as the new owner/s on completion of a purchase.

If there is a gap in ownership due to missing deeds, we may have to consider how to proceed under the defective title route.

Help to Buy ISA

If you redeem a Help to Buy ISA, there is a mandatory charge set by the Government for the solicitor to charge for handling this for you.

The work includes obtaining your ISA documents, filling out the request form, and obtaining the bonus funds.

Independent Legal Advice for Occupier Waiver
If your mortgage lender requires someone living in the property to sign an occupier waiver form and obtain legal advice on the consequences of signing, we can help.

The solicitor organises a video call with the person and explains the implications of signing the occupier waiver form (also called occupier consent or deed of postponement). The solicitor must be independent of the conveyancing solicitor.

Independent Legal Advice for Director Personal Guarantee
If you are buying in a company name and obtaining a mortgage, the directors must obtain legal advice on the consequences and risks of signing a personal guarantee.

The solicitor organises a video call with the person and explains the implications of signing the guarantee. The solicitor must be independent of the conveyancing solicitor.

Homes of Multiple Occupancy
This is a house or other dwelling where several households live, sharing facilities such as a kitchen or bathroom. The additional work relates to obtaining consent from the mortgage lender.

Proof of Funds - International
More checks are required when using money from outside the United Kingdom. If part of your funding for the transaction comes from a person who currently lives abroad and does not live in the UK, we must carry out enhanced due diligence to satisfy all Anti-Money Laundering Requirements. Each case is determined on a case-by-case basis, and your case handler will disclose to you the evidence required to comply with this transaction's “international” element.

Lease Extension
(whether formal or informal)
The work includes reviewing the new lease, raising enquiries regarding additional terms, reporting the new lease to you and registering the new lease/deed of variation at the Land Registry.

Lifetime ISA
If you redeem a LISA, there is a mandatory charge set by the Government for the solicitor to charge for handling this for you.

The work includes obtaining a first-time buyer declaration from you, filling in the request form and obtaining the bonus funds.

Management Company for a Freehold
(freehold only)
If you buy a freehold house with a management company within its title, such as managing the grounds, your buyer requires a management pack.

The work includes reviewing the seller's management pack, raising legal enquiries, confirming the settlement of current owners’ liabilities, and obtaining consent to transfer.

Multiple Titles and or Transfers of Part
If you are buying a property with more than one title number, each title number needs to be inspected to check for rights, easements, restrictive covenants, and restrictions. Your conveyancer will read each new title for 30 minutes to 1 hour, report their findings to you, and draft the TP1 where applicable.

Non-Standard Lender
If your lender is classed as non-standard, additional work will be required. This attracts increased due diligence checks and attending to several special conditions. Your solicitor must carry out checks as non-standard lenders have stricter restrictions on the law firms they accept to act on their behalf.

Passing on the right to extend your lease
(serving section 42 notice, but not finalising the extension on completion)
The seller is serving a section 42 on the Freeholder to pass the right to extend the lease to you after completion.

The work includes reviewing the section 42 notice, advising you of the risks, including the costs to extend and the negotiations regarding the premium. The seller is responsible for registering the Section 42 Notice at the Land Registry. We do not undertake negotiations, and you should seek advice from a qualified RICS surveyor as to the value of the premium.

Premium Expedition Fee
Under the fixed fee quote, your transaction will be handled according to a standard conveyancing process or the auction or new build timeframe.

Suppose you require your transaction to be completed within a certain timescale. In that case, we offer an expedited service to ensure correspondence is worked on within the day it is received (unless it falls outside of office working hours).

No guarantee for completion dates can be agreed upon as we rely on third parties. Still, this service ensures that your solicitor remains on the front foot on transactions at all times, prioritising your file above standard transactions.

Proof of Funds Check (Manual)
If you don't use our online proof of funds check, Armalytix, or you fail the check, we will manually check the source of funds. Further information will be requested. This includes funds from the client and/or a giftor.

We do not guarantee you will pass proof of funds checks. This fee is not covered under our No Sale, No Fee Policy.

Purchase of Freehold
The seller agrees to sell the leasehold and the freehold as part of the same transaction.

The work includes reviewing the freehold title, confirming that the freehold can be transferred to the leaseholder solely, reviewing the freehold title for any restrictions, ensuring all charges are removed, sending you TR1 to sign, exchange, complete, and register the new title ownership at the Land Registry, and charging extra to set up a freehold management company.

Read and review your Level 2 or Level 3 Home Survey
When you tell the solicitor which enquiries you want raised from your RICS Level 2 or 3 Home Survey, they raise them as part of their original Fixed Fee. If you prefer to send the full report, the solicitor will charge for reviewing the points within the "Legal Section" only and raises enquiries to be included within the Report on Title.

The solicitor cannot read the full report as they are not qualified to confirm what is or isn't a risk.

Restriction removal
There are a variety of restrictions you can apply to the legal title of your property. We can apply the following restrictions as Fixed Costs:

  • Form LL Anti-Fraud Restriction £240 INC VAT
  • Form B £240 INC VAT

Solar Panels
(owned outright)
The seller owns the solar panels.

The work includes checking building and electrical sign-off/paid and settling any deposit scheme.

Solar Panels
The seller leases the solar panels.

The work includes checking building and electrical sign-off/paid and ensuring the tariff and ownership are completed/updated on completion.

Staircasing a Shared Ownership
If you or your seller are staircasing to buy more of a share as part of the conveyancing process, your case handler must handle the additional work with the Housing Association. The process is complex and will add additional time to your transaction.

The solicitor must review the memorandum of staircasing alongside the registered Lease and titles (leasehold and freehold). This may involve liaising with the Landlord’s solicitor directly alongside the seller’s solicitor. The title usually has a restriction, which will need to be complied with. We also need to calculate what SDLT is payable, considering the purchase percentage and the date the original Lease was granted.
Tenant in situ for a buy-to-let landlord
If you are buying a property and there is a Tenant in Situ for which you are taking over the tenancy, the solicitor has additional work to complete.

The additional fixed fee includes raising additional enquiries regarding the tenant in line with the Landlord's obligations, obtaining tenancy agreement and deposit information, Appointing Rent, and obtaining all relevant certificates and documents. The solicitor does not offer legal advice on the tenancy arrangement.

Title Information Document
Once your title is updated at the Land Registry, we will email you with no evidence as part of our Fixed Fee. You can opt to have the Title Information Documents sent to you as PDFs for £10 or £25 if you want them printed and posted. The postal service costs include the Land Registry cost, postage, and time spent by the law firm.

£10 or £25
If you would like us to draft your will, we can help you.

From £399

* The current market value of the property and the actual consideration you are paying may differ.
**No Sale No Fee applies to any sale or purchase quote except auction and right to buy. Read our No Sale No Fee Policy.

Sale Conveyancing Fixed Fee Policy

Updated: 27th January 2025 at 11:46am

We provide a competitive Fixed Fee to include the legal work for a standard conveyancing transaction. We build your Fixed Fee quote based on the following variables:

Purchase Price
Sale scheme
Purchase Price
  • Freehold
  • Leasehold/Share of Freehold
  • Freehold
  • Leasehold/Share of Freehold
  • No mortgage
  • Redeeming a mortgage
Sale scheme
  • Help to Buy
  • Shared Ownership
  • Auction

The complexity and time it takes to complete each of the above differs, and the Fixed Fee reflects this. We will re-quote your Fixed Fee quote if you provide incorrect information or your transaction changes. For example, if the property is a leasehold but you were quoted for a freehold.

What work is included within the Fixed Fee?

This is what work is included for the different types of transactions.

What’s Included
Freehold Review ID, draft contracts and send them to buyer’s solicitor, reply to legal enquiries, exchange contracts, one bank transfer, and completion.
Leasehold Review ID, draft contracts and send them to buyer’s solicitor, reply to legal enquiries, obtain payment for leasehold management pack and request from freeholder/management company, exchange contracts, make one bank transfer, and complete.
Share of freehold Review ID, draft contracts and send them to buyer’s solicitor, reply to legal enquiries, obtain payment for leasehold management pack and request from freeholder/management company, exchange contracts, make one bank transfer, and complete.
Redeeming a mortgage Review the charge on the legal title, obtain a mortgage redemption statement, confirm the lender will remove the charge, pay off the mortgage on completion and remove the charge from the legal title. If you have more than one loan/charge to pay off, we will charge an Additional Fixed Fee per loan/charge.

Purchase Scheme
What’s Included
Help to Buy Receive Target’s redemption letter, request authority to complete it, and pay off Help to Buy on completion.
Shared Ownership Receive the Memorandum of Sale from the Housing Association and pass on additional enquiries raised by the buyer to the Housing Association. It excludes staircasing up to 100%.
Auction Prepare pre-auction legal pack, order property searches (client needs to pay for the cost of the searches) and post auction replies to enquiries.

Additional Fixed Fee Policy

Any services not included in the Fixed Fee that might reasonably be expected to be included are listed below.

What’s Included
Fixed Fee INC VAT
Additional Bank Transfer
We include one bank transfer within our main Fixed Fee quote. If you want more than one same-day bank transfer, you pay an additional fee for each transfer.

Additional loan or mortgage
(other than your first charge mortgage)
If you want to repay more than one loan or mortgage, other than the first charge mortgage, we will charge this fee. This cost is per loan and is to be repaid.

Obtain mortgage redemption statement, confirm lender will remove restriction once mortgage repaid, pay off the loan on completion and remove restriction from the Land Registry.

Additional title/land
Suppose there is more than one title as part of the transaction. In that case, your solicitor must include this within the transfer and investigate whether the transaction can proceed with the additional title. Review the original conveyance and report on restrictive covenants, charges or easements.

£240 per additional title.
Building Safety Act
Is your leasehold:
  • in a block of flats at least 11 metres in height or has at least five storeys;
  • built between June 1992 and June 2022; and
  • owned by a qualifying leaseholder as of the 14th of February 2022.

If the answer is yes, then you likely need to have the Leaseholder Certificate and Landlord Certificate obtained for you. There is a lot of work involved in obtaining these certificates. Please ask for a more detailed quote immediately.

from £900 to £1200 INC VAT
Communicating Separately with Clients
If we are acting on your file due to a separation, deceased estate, etc., and you wish us to correspond/communicate with each of our clients separately, we will charge an additional fee for this extra work. This fee may increase depending on how many clients are subject to the transaction.

Deed of Covenant
Some leaseholds require the new leaseholder to enter a deed of covenant with the freeholder.

The work includes reviewing the deed of covenant provided by the freeholder (if applicable), drafting the deed, addressing any enquiries, and submitting the deed to you, the buyer, for their confirmation.

£120 if freeholder drafts deed or £300 if our solicitor drafts deed.
Deed of Trust
If you have a Deed of Trust, you will need your conveyancing solicitor to review it to confirm that the sale can proceed as normal and that the split of the proceeds will be on sale. The solicitor cannot complete the task without reviewing the signed Deed of Trust requirements.

The cost includes reading the deed, interpreting the clauses, discussing with the joint sellers how these are interpreted, and confirming that the terms are agreed upon. Additional legal work will be required if the terms are not agreed upon.

Deed of Variation to your lease
If you want to vary the lease terms you are selling, you need to obtain the freeholder's consent and agree to the cost and fees for the freeholder (you will be liable for the freeholder’s costs).

The work includes reviewing the deed of variation and confirming the freeholder's costs. Provide an undertaking for their costs (you must pay these before this can be given), submitting the deed to you for signing and registering the deed at the Land Registry.

Defective Title or Reconstruction of Title
Suppose you are selling, buying, or remortgaging and cannot provide a clear line of ownership. In that case, we will charge for the work involved in obtaining evidence and producing Land Registry documents to ensure the transaction can proceed.

Suppose you are buying, and there are issues within the legal title of easements (access) issues that we need to amend or restrictive covenants that have been breached and or need amendment. In that case, we will charge for the documents that need completing and the work involved with the Land Registry in rectifying the title to allow the transactions to proceed through to completion.

EPC Download
We will charge for sourcing and downloading a copy when not provided with the EPC.

Epitome of Title
(Unregistered title at the Land Registry)
If you are selling a property not registered with the Land Registry, we must draft an Epitome of Title (if we are selling) or review the Epitome of Title and the Root of Title (if we are buying). We must ensure there is a clear line of ownership through various title deeds to ensure we can sell the property or register you as the new owner/s on completion of a purchase.

If there is a gap in ownership due to missing deeds, we may have to consider how to proceed under the defective title route.

Lease Extension
(whether formal or informal)
The work includes reviewing the new lease, raising enquiries regarding additional terms, reporting the new lease to you and registering the new lease/deed of variation at the Land Registry.

Management Company
(freehold only)
Suppose you buy a freehold house within its title obligations toward a management company, such as managing the grounds. In that case, your seller requires a management pack, and this needs to be reviewed by your solicitor.

The work includes obtaining the management pack from the freehold management company and sending it to the buyers, replying to legal enquiries, confirming the settlement of the current owner/s’ liabilities and obtaining consent to transfer.

Management Company
(more than one company)
Suppose you pay ground rent to one company/freeholder and service charges to another management company. In that case, your solicitor has additional work to undertake liaising with both, and you will have to pay for this cost and an additional Management Pack fee to the freeholder.

The work includes obtaining the management pack from the freehold management company and sending it to the buyers, replying to legal enquiries, confirming the settlement of current owners’ liabilities and obtaining consent to transfer.

Passing on the right to extend your lease
(serving section 42 notice, but not finalising the extension on completion)
The work includes preparing and serving the section 42 notice to the buyer and registering it at the Land Registry.

We do not undertake negotiations, and you should seek advice from a qualified RICS surveyor as to the value of the premium.

Premium Expedition Fee
Under the fixed fee quote, your transaction will be handled according to a standard conveyancing process, auction, or new build timeframe.

If you require your transaction to be completed within a certain timescale, we offer an expedited service to ensure correspondence received is worked on within the day it was received (unless this falls outside of office working hours).

No completion date guarantee can be agreed upon as we are reliant on third parties, but this service ensures that your solicitor remains on the front foot on transactions at all times, prioritising your file above standard transactions.

Purchase of Freehold
To sell the leasehold and the freehold as part of the same transaction.

The work includes reviewing the freehold title, confirming that the freehold can be transferred to the leaseholder solely, reviewing the freehold title for any restrictions, ensuring all charges are removed, sending you TR1 to sign, exchange, complete, and register the new title ownership at the Land Registry, and charging extra to set up a freehold management company.

Remove an Anti-Fraud Restriction
If you have an anti-fraud (Form LL) restriction, this must be removed to allow you to complete the transaction. Read more - How to remove a Form LL Restriction

Selling in a company name
If you sell in a company name, the solicitor will charge an additional fixed fee for the company and director due diligence.

The cost is often already included in the fixed fee; however, if it is excluded, it is also charged.

Solar Panels
(owned outright)
The work includes checking the building and electrical sign-off/paid, and any deposit scheme is settled.

Solar Panels
The work includes checking the building and electrical sign-off/paid and ensuring the tariff and ownership are completed/updated on completion.

(shared ownership)
Staircasing up to 100% to sell the property on the open market.

The work includes receiving the memorandum of staircasing and TP1, getting consent from the housing association for your mortgage offer (if required), confirming completion requirements, and paying the completion monies to the housing association upon completion.

Third-Party Solicitor
(where you have a transaction linked to your sale, but another law firm is handling the work)
If you are selling but also buying using a third-party law firm and the purchase is linked to your sale, then your solicitor will need to liaise with that solicitor to align exchange and completion.

The work includes liaising with third-party solicitors, sending the exchange deposit to your purchase solicitor and providing undertakings.

If you would like us to draft your will, we can help you with this.

From £399

*No Sale No Fee applies to any sale or purchase quote except auction and right to buy. Read our No Sale No Fee Policy.

Remortgage Fixed Fee Policy

Updated: 27th January 2025 at 12:28pm

We provide a competitive Fixed Fee to include the legal work for a standard conveyancing transaction. We build your Fixed Fee quote based on the following variables:

  • Paying off using savings/gift
  • Getting a mortgage
  • Freehold
  • Leasehold/Share of Freehold

The complexity and time it takes to complete each of the above differs, and the Fixed Fee reflects this. We will re-quote your Fixed Fee quote if you provide incorrect information or your transaction changes. For example, if the property is a leasehold but you were quoted for a freehold.

The Fixed Fee is not covered under a No Sale No Fee, so if you do not proceed with the transaction, you will be invoiced a percentage of the Fixed Fee for the work completed.

What work is included within the Fixed Fee?

This is what work is included for the different types of transactions.

What’s Included
Fixed Fee INC VAT
One bank transfer to pay off an existing mortgage, obtain a mortgage redemption statement from your existing lender, receive your new mortgage offer, review the lender’s special conditions and terms, receive the mortgage advance, remove the original restriction and apply the new lender’s at the Land Registry. If you add a new party to the title/mortgage, an additional fixed fee will be charged for the transfer of equity. We can also assist with drafting deeds of trust and wills if required.
Remortgage with Bridging Loan
Included in our Fixed Fee: One bank transfer, obtaining a mortgage redemption statement from your existing lender (if required), receiving your new loan offer, reviewing the lender’s special conditions and terms, receiving the mortgage advance and removing the original restriction and applying the new lender’s at the Land Registry. If you add a new party to the title/mortgage, an additional fixed fee will be charged for the transfer of equity. We can also assist with drafting deeds of trust and wills if required.

Additional Fixed Fee Policy

Any services not included in the Fixed Fee that might reasonably be expected to be included are listed below.

What’s Included
Fixed Fee INC VAT
Additional Bank Transfer
We include one bank transfer in our main Fixed Fee quote. If you want more than one same-day bank transfer, you pay an additional fee for each transfer.

Additional loan or mortgage
(other than your first charge mortgage)
We will charge this fee if you want to get more than one loan or mortgage, other than the first charge for mortgage and equity loans.

Reviewing the mortgage offer, confirming satisfactory enquiries for the specific mortgage lender, checking special conditions of the offer, sending a Certificate of Title (COT) and registering the mortgage lender’s charge at the Land Registry. It does not include work for special conditions such as independent legal advice or occupier consent form.

Apply an anti-fraud restriction
You may want your solicitor to apply an anti-fraud restriction to your legal title, a Form LL. This restriction stops anyone from impersonating and selling your property without your knowledge. In the future, when you sell or remortgage, the restriction requires a solicitor to verify who you are and will charge you a fee for this service.

The work includes applying the restriction at the Land Registry. You can choose not to have this if you don't want it and save on the cost.

Bridging Loan
The work includes reviewing the loan offer, handling the enquiries of the bridging finance company, drawing down the loan and registering restrictions at the Land Registry.

The work does not include the independent legal advice the bridging loan company requires. We have an independent solicitor if you require one. Please get in contact for a quote.

Building Safety Act
Is your leasehold:

  • in a block of flats at least 11 metres in height or has at least five storeys;
  • built between June 1992 and June 2022; and
  • owned by a qualifying leaseholder as of the 14th of February 2022.

If the answer is yes, you will likely need to obtain the leaseholder and landlord certificates. There is a lot of work involved in obtaining these certificates. Please ask for a more detailed quote immediately.

from £900 to £1200 INC VAT
Change/Amend Mortgage Offer
If your bank provides a mortgage offer and you choose to change to another one, either with the same lender or a new one, we will charge you to review the mortgage offer and provide our report to you.

Communicating Separately with Clients
If we are acting on your file due to a separation, deceased estate, etc., and you wish us to correspond/communicate with each of our clients separately, we will charge an additional fee for this extra work. This fee may increase depending on how many clients are subject to the transaction.

Deed of Trust
If you want a deed drafted to confirm your beneficial interest split in the property. Read more here: What is a Deed of Trust?

The work includes reviewing your intentions and drafting a deed (you have one free revision), submitting the deed to you for signing and registering the deed at the Land Registry.

Deed of Variation to your lease
If you want to vary the terms of the existing lease you are buying, you need to obtain the freeholder's consent and agree to the cost and fees for the freeholder (you will be liable for the freeholder’s costs).

The work includes reviewing the deed of variation and confirming the freeholder's costs. Provide an undertaking for their costs (you must pay these before this can be given), submitting the deed to you for signing and registering the deed at the Land Registry.

Defective Title or Reconstruction of Title
Suppose you are selling/buying or re-mortgaging and cannot provide a clear line of ownership. In that case, we will charge for the work involved in obtaining evidence and producing Land Registry documents to ensure the transaction can proceed.

If you are buying and there are issues within the legal title of easements (access) that we need to amend or restrictive covenants that have been breached and/or need amendment, then we will charge for the documents that need completing and the work involved with the Land Registry in rectifying the title to allow the transactions to proceed to completion.

Independent Legal Advice for Occupier Waiver
If your mortgage lender requires someone living in the property to sign an occupier waiver form and obtain legal advice on the consequences of signing, we can help.

The solicitor organises a video call with the person and explains the implications of signing the occupier waiver form (also called occupier consent or deed of postponement). The solicitor must be independent of the conveyancing solicitor.

Non-Standard Lender
If your lender is classed as non-standard, additional work will be required. This attracts increased due diligence checks and attending to several special conditions. Your solicitor must carry out checks as non-standard lenders have stricter restrictions on the law firms they accept to act on their behalf.

Premium Expedition Fee
Under the fixed fee quote, your transaction will be handled in line with a standard conveyancing process, auction, or new build timeframe.

Suppose you require your transaction to be completed within a certain timescale. In that case, we offer an expedited service to ensure that the correspondence received is worked on within the day it was received (unless this falls outside of office working hours).

No guarantee for completion dates can be agreed upon as we rely on third parties. Still, this service ensures that your solicitor remains on the front foot on transactions at all times, prioritising your file above standard transactions.

Title Information Document
Once your title is updated at the Land Registry, we will inform you by email with no evidence as part of our Fixed Fee. You can opt to have the Title Information Documents sent by PDF to you for £10 or £25 if you want these printed and posted. The postal service costs include the Land Registry cost, postage, and time spent by the law firm.

£10 or £25
Transfer of Equity Fixed Fee Policy

Updated: 27th January 2025 at 12:36pm

We provide a competitive Fixed Fee to include the legal work for a standard conveyancing transaction. We build your Fixed Fee quote based on the following variables:

  • Paying off using savings/gift
  • Getting a mortgage
  • Freehold
  • Leasehold/Share of Freehold

The complexity and time it takes to complete each of the above differs, and the Fixed Fee reflects this. We will re-quote your Fixed Fee quote if you provide incorrect information or your transaction changes. For example, if the property is a leasehold but you were quoted for a freehold.

The Fixed Fee is not covered under a No Sale No Fee, so if you do not proceed with the transaction, you will be invoiced a percentage of the Fixed Fee for the work completed.

What work is included within the Fixed Fee?

This is what work is included for the different types of transactions.

What’s Included
Fixed Fee INC VAT
Freehold Transfer of Equity
Review ID and proof of funds, review title ownership and restrictions, (if party leaving) request ID1 form party leaving the title and request a signed TR1, submit TR1 to new owners for signing, handle completion, (if required) filing SDLT form and registration at the Land Registry.
Leasehold Transfer of Equity
Review ID and proof of funds, review title ownership and restrictions, contact managing agent/freeholder to obtain compliance certificate, (if party leaving) request ID1 form party leaving the title and request a signed TR1, submit TR1 to new owners for signing, handle completion, (if required) filing SDLT form and registration at the Land Registry.
Leasehold Transfer of Equity
Review ID and proof of funds, review title ownership and restrictions, contact managing agent/freeholder to obtain compliance certificate, (if party leaving) request ID1 form party leaving the title and request a signed TR1, submit TR1 to new owners for signing, handle completion, (if required) filing SDLT form and registration at the Land Registry.
Acting for the party leaving the title
Review ID, advising you on the terms of the transfer and handling completion, including one bank transfer if the money is being paid.

Additional Fixed Fee Policy

Any services not included in the Fixed Fee that might reasonably be expected to be included are listed below.

What’s Included
Fixed Fee INC VAT
Additional Bank Transfer
We include one bank transfer in our main Fixed Fee quote. If you want more than one same-day bank transfer, you pay an additional fee for each transfer.

Additional charge/lender deed of postponement
If you want a loan, other than the first charge mortgage and equity loan, that isn’t being paid off we will charge this fee.

The work includes contacting the lender, obtaining their consent to the changes on the title and drafting a deed of postponement.

Additional charge/lender to redeem
(other than your first charge mortgage or equity loan)
We will charge this fee if you want to settle a loan other than the first mortgage and equity loan charge.

The work includes receiving a redemption letter from an existing lender, reviewing a mortgage offer, making a bank transfer to repay an existing mortgage, and registering a new mortgage restriction at the Land Registry.

Additional loan or mortgage
(other than your first charge mortgage)
We will charge this fee if you want to get more than one loan or mortgage, other than the first charge for mortgage and equity loan.

Reviewing the mortgage offer, confirming satisfactory enquiries for the specific mortgage lender, checking the offer's special conditions, sending a Certificate of Title (COT), and registering the mortgage lender’s charge at the Land Registry. It does not include work for special conditions such as independent legal advice or an occupier consent form.

Additional title/land
Suppose there is more than one title as part of the transaction. In that case, your solicitor must include this within the transfer and investigate whether the transaction can proceed with the additional title. Review the original conveyance and report on restrictive covenants, charges or easements.

£240 per additional title.
Apply an anti-fraud restriction
You may want your solicitor to apply an anti-fraud restriction to your legal title, a Form LL. This restriction stops anyone from impersonating and selling your property without your knowledge. In the future, when you sell or remortgage, the restriction requires a solicitor to verify who you are and will charge you a fee for this service. Read more here - Form LL costs and process explained

The work includes applying the restriction at the Land Registry. If you don't want it, you can choose not to have it and save on the cost.

Bridging Loan
The work includes reviewing the loan offer, handling the enquiries of the bridging finance company, drawing down the loan and registering restrictions at the Land Registry.

The work does not include the independent legal advice the bridging loan company requires. We have an independent solicitor if you require one. Please contact us for a quote.

Building Safety Act
Is your leasehold:
  • in a block of flats at least 11 metres in height or has at least five storeys;
  • built between June 1992 and June 2022; and
  • owned by a qualifying leaseholder as of the 14th of February 2022.

If the answer is yes, then you likely need to have the Leaseholder Certificate and Landlord Certificate obtained for you. There is a lot of work involved in obtaining these certificates. Please ask for a more detailed quote immediately.

from £900 to £1200 INC VAT
Change/Amend Mortgage Offer
If your bank provides a mortgage offer and you choose to change to another one, either with the same lender or a new one, we will charge you to review the mortgage offer and provide our report to you.

Change name at the Land Registry
If you need your name changed at the Land Registry, such as an error in missing a middle name or a change due to marriage, we can help complete the AP1 to correct the entry at the Land Registry.

Communicating Separately with Clients
If we are acting on your file due to a separation, deceased estate, etc., and you wish us to correspond/communicate with each of our clients separately, we will charge an additional fee for this extra work. This fee may increase depending on how many clients are subject to the transaction.

Deed of Assession
When a party is added to the legal title but the loan is not paid off as part of the transfer, the lender will require the new legal owners to sign a Deed of Assession.

The new owner(s) must read the terms of the original charge and agree to take responsibility for the covenants and repayment terms that will bind them upon completion.

Deed of Covenant
Some leaseholds require the new leaseholder to enter a deed of covenant with the freeholder.

The work includes reviewing the deed of covenant provided by the freeholder, addressing any enquiries, submitting the deed to you for signing, and registering the deed at the Land Registry.

Deed of Postponement
If you are remortgaging and registering a new charge against the property without settling the existing loan, such as a Help to Buy Equity Loan, then you need a Deed of postponement.

The work includes drafting the deed of postponement, obtaining consent and signature from the lender, and executing on completion.

Deed of Release
If you are removing a party from the title and not paying off a loan to a lender, such as Help to Buy, you must get a deed of release for that party.

The work includes drafting the deed of release, obtaining consent and signature from the lender, and executing on completion.

Deed of Variation to your lease
If you want to vary the terms of the existing lease you are buying, you must obtain the freeholder's consent and agree to the freeholder's costs (you will be liable for the freeholder’s costs).

The work includes reviewing the deed of variation and confirming the freeholder's costs. Provide an undertaking for their costs (you must pay these before this can be given), submitting the deed to you for signing and registering the deed at the Land Registry.

Management Company
(Freehold only)
If you own a freehold with a management company, such as managing the grounds, then your freehold is required to provide consent.

The work includes contacting the management company, confirming the settlement of current owners’ liabilities and obtaining consent to transfer.

Mortgage Work
If you are getting a new mortgage, you will need your solicitor to handle the legal work for the lender.

The work includes receiving your redemption letter from the existing lender, reviewing the mortgage offer, confirming satisfactory enquiries for the specific mortgage lender, checking special conditions of the offer, sending a Certificate of Title (COT) and registering the mortgage lender’s charge at the Land Registry. It does not include work for special conditions such as independent legal advice or occupier consent form.

Non-Standard Lender
If your lender is classed as non-standard, additional work will be required. This attracts increased due diligence checks and attending to several special conditions. Your solicitor must carry out checks as non-standard lenders have stricter restrictions on the law firms they accept to act on their behalf.

Proof of Funds Check (Manual)
If you don't use our online proof of funds check, Armalytix, or you fail the check, we will manually check the source of funds. Further information will be requested. This includes funds from the client and/or a giftor.

We do not guarantee you will pass proof of funds checks. This fee is not covered under our No Sale, No Fee Policy.

Proof of Funds - International
More checks are required when using money from outside the United Kingdom. If part of your funding towards the transaction comes from a person/s who currently lives abroad and does not live in the UK, we must carry out enhanced due diligence requirements to satisfy all Anti-Money Laundering Requirements. Each case is determined case by case, and evidence required to comply with this transaction's “international” element will be disclosed to you by your Case Handler.

Remortgage (free legals)
When using the free legal services your mortgage lender provides, such as Enact or Optima, these firms will require additional work, such as providing undertakings. Instructing one solicitor to handle the remortgage and equity loan repayment work is simpler.

Providing undertakings for completion, replying to enquiries and liaising post-completion to support Land Registration of charge.

Remove an Anti-Fraud Restriction
If you have an anti-fraud (Form LL) restriction, this must be removed to allow you to complete the transaction. Read more - How to remove a Form LL Restriction

Remove a Form A Restriction
If you currently own the property as tenants in common, a Form A restriction is applied to the title. The restriction stops a sale/transfer by any one party (No disposition by a sole Proprietor), and as such, to remove the restriction dated when the parties applied it you will need to make a Statement of Truth (Land Registry ST5 Form) and sign a Land Registry RX3 Form.

The ST5 confirms the remaining party/ies hold the beneficial interest in the property, that no beneficial interest in the property has been separately mortgaged or charged, and that no beneficial owner is or was subject to a charging order or bankruptcy proceedings (a registered mortgage does not count). Where there is a deed confirming the position of the current owner’s beneficial interest, a certified copy of this will need to be provided to the Land Registry with the application to remove the Form A restriction.

Solar Panels
(owned outright)
The seller owns the solar panels.

The work includes checking building and electrical sign-off/paid and settling any deposit scheme.

Solar Panels
The seller leases the solar panels.

The work includes checking building and electrical sign-off/paid and ensuring the tariff and ownership are completed/updated on completion.

Title Information Document
Once your title is updated at the Land Registry, we will email you with no evidence as part of our Fixed Fee. You can opt to have the Title Information Documents sent to you as PDFs for £10 or £25 if you want them printed and posted. The postal service costs include the Land Registry cost, postage, and time spent by the law firm.

£10 or £25
If you would like us to draft your will, we can help you with this.

From £399
Shared Ownership Staircasing Fixed Fee Policy

Updated: 27th January 2025 at 12:40pm

We provide a competitive Fixed Fee to include the legal work for a standard conveyancing transaction. We build your Fixed Fee quote based on the following variables:

Partial or 100%
  • Paying off using savings/gift
  • Getting a mortgage
Partial or 100%
  • 100% staircasing
  • Partial staircasing

The complexity and time it takes to complete each of the above differs, and the Fixed Fee reflects this. We will re-quote your Fixed Fee quote if you provide incorrect information or your transaction changes. For example, if the property is a leasehold but you were quoted for a freehold.

The Fixed Fee is not covered under a No Sale No Fee, so if you do not proceed with the transaction, you will be invoiced a percentage of the Fixed Fee for the work completed.

What work is included within the Fixed Fee?

This is what work is included for the different types of transactions.

What’s Included
Fixed Fee INC VAT
Leasehold Shared Ownership Staircasing
(staircase to 100%)
Review ID and proof of funds (includes one gift), receive memorandum of staircasing, review title for ownership and restrictions, contact managing agent/freeholder to obtain compliance certificate, the cost of one bank transfer to the housing association to buy your additional share and removal of the restriction at the Land Registry.
Leasehold Shared Ownership Staircasing
(partial staircase)
Review ID and proof of funds (includes one gift), receive memorandum of staircasing, review title for ownership and restrictions, contact managing agent/freeholder to obtain compliance certificate, the cost of one bank transfer to the housing association to buy your additional share and removal of the restriction at the Land Registry.

Additional Fixed Fee Policy

Any services not included in the Fixed Fee that might reasonably be expected to be included are listed below.

What’s Included
Fixed Fee INC VAT
Additional Bank Transfer
We include one bank transfer in our main Fixed Fee quote. If you want more than one same-day bank transfer, then you pay an additional fee for each transfer.

Additional charge/lender deed of postponement
If you want to have a loan, other than the first charge mortgage and equity loan, that isn’t being paid off we will charge this fee.

The work includes contacting the lender, obtaining their consent to the changes on the title and drafting a deed of postponement.

Additional charge/lender to redeem
(other than your first charge mortgage or equity loan)
If you want to settle a loan, other than the first charge mortgage and equity loan, we will charge this fee.

The work includes receiving a redemption letter from the existing lender, reviewing the mortgage offer, making a bank transfer to repay the existing mortgage, and registering a new mortgage restriction at the Land Registry.

Additional loan or mortgage
(other than your first charge mortgage)
We will charge this fee if you want to get more than one loan or mortgage, other than the first charge mortgage and equity loan.

Reviewing the mortgage offer, confirming satisfactory enquiries for the specific mortgage lender, checking the offer's special conditions, sending a Certificate of Title (COT), and registering the mortgage lender’s charge at the Land Registry. It does not include work for special conditions such as independent legal advice or an occupier consent form.

Apply an anti-fraud restriction
You may want your solicitor to apply an anti-fraud restriction to your legal title, a Form LL. This restriction stops anyone from impersonating and selling your property without your knowledge. In the future, when you sell or remortgage, the restriction requires a solicitor to verify who you are and will charge you a fee for this service. Read more here - Form LL costs and process explained

The work includes applying the restriction at the Land Registry. If you don't want it, you can choose not to have it and save on the cost.

Bridging Loan
The work includes reviewing the loan offer, handling the enquiries of the bridging finance company, drawing down the loan and registering restrictions at the Land Registry.

The work does not include the independent legal advice the bridging loan company requires. We have an independent solicitor if you require one. Please contact us for a quote.

Building Safety Act
Is your leasehold:
  • in a block of flats at least 11 metres in height or has at least five storeys;
  • built between June 1992 and June 2022; and
  • owned by a qualifying leaseholder as of the 14th of February 2022.

If the answer is yes, then you likely need to have the Leaseholder Certificate and Landlord Certificate obtained for you. There is a lot of work involved in obtaining these certificates. Please ask for a more detailed quote immediately.

from £900 to £1200 INC VAT
Change/Amend Mortgage Offer
If your bank provides a mortgage offer and you choose to change to another one, either with the same lender or a new one, we will charge to review the mortgage offer and provide our report to you.

Change name at the Land Registry
If you need your name changed at the Land Registry, such as an error in missing a middle name or a change due to marriage, we can help complete the AP1 to correct the entry at the Land Registry.

Communicating Separately with Clients
If we are acting on your file due to a separation, deceased estate, etc., and you wish us to correspond/communicate with each of our clients separately, we will charge an additional fee for this extra work. This fee may increase depending on how many clients are subject to the transaction.

Lease Extension
If you informally extend your lease with the housing association, we can help.

The work includes receiving an informal offer from a housing association, reviewing the new lease, raising enquiries regarding additional terms, reporting the new lease terms to you and registering the new lease/deed of variation at the Land Registry.

Proof of Funds Check (Manual)
If you don't use our online proof of funds check, Armalytix, or you fail the check, we will manually check the source of funds. Further information will be requested. This includes funds from the client and/or a giftor.

We do not guarantee you will pass proof of funds checks. This fee is not covered under our No Sale, No Fee Policy.

Proof of Funds - International
More checks are required when using money from outside the United Kingdom. If part of your funding towards the transaction comes from a person/s who currently lives abroad and does not live in the UK, we must carry out enhanced due diligence requirements to satisfy all Anti-Money Laundering Requirements. Each case is determined case by case, and evidence required to comply with this transaction's “international” element will be disclosed to you by your Case Handler.

If you get a new mortgage offer, you will need a Remortgage.

The work includes receiving your redemption letter from the existing lender, reviewing the mortgage offer, making a bank transfer to repay the existing mortgage, and registering a new mortgage restriction at the Land Registry.

Title Information Document
Once your title is updated at the Land Registry, we will email you with no evidence as part of our Fixed Fee. You can opt to have the Title Information Documents sent to you as PDFs for £10 or £25 if you want them printed and posted. The postal service costs include the Land Registry cost, postage, and time spent by the law firm.

£10 or £25
Transfer of Equity
(adding a party)
You will need a Transfer of Equity if you add a name from the legal title.

The work includes reviewing existing title ownership, drafting transfer documents, and registering as joint tenants or tenants in common. If tenants in common, you may want a Deed of Trust.

Transfer of Equity
(removing a party)
If you remove a name from the legal title, you will need a Transfer of Equity.

The work includes reviewing existing title ownership, drafting a transfer document, and writing a letter to the party being removed confirming they should obtain legal advice and register in the name of the legal owner. This service does not include the ID1 Form.

Help to Buy Loan Repayment Fixed Fee Policy

Updated:27th January 2025 at 11:30am

We provide a competitive Fixed Fee to include the legal work for a standard conveyancing transaction. We build your Fixed Fee quote based on the following variables:

Partial or 100%
  • Paying off using savings/gift
  • Getting a mortgage
  • Freehold
  • Leasehold/share of freehold
Partial or 100%
  • Pay off in full
  • Partial payment

The complexity and time it takes to complete each of the above differs, and the Fixed Fee reflects this. We will re-quote your Fixed Fee quote if you provide incorrect information or your transaction changes. For example, if the property is a leasehold but you were quoted for a freehold.

The Fixed Fee is not covered under a No Sale No Fee, so if you do not proceed with the transaction, you will be invoiced a percentage of the Fixed Fee for the work completed.

What work is included within the Fixed Fee?

This is what work is included for the different types of transactions.

What’s Included
Fixed Fee INC VAT
Freehold Help to Buy Loan Repayment
(full repayment)
Receive a redemption letter from Help to Buy, review the title for ownership and restrictions, obtain the Authority to Complete one bank transfer to repay your loan and remove the loan restriction at the Land Registry.

See your quote
Leasehold Help to Buy Loan Repayment
(full repayment)
Receive redemption letter from Help to Buy, review title for ownership and restrictions, contact managing agent/freeholder to obtain compliance certificate, obtain Authority to Complete, the cost of one bank transfer to Help to Buy repaying your loan and remove the loan restriction at the Land Registry.

See your quote
Freehold Help to Buy Loan Repayment
(part repayment)
Receive redemption letter from Help to Buy, review title for ownership and restrictions, obtain Authority to Complete, draft a deed of postponement for your current lender and the cost of one bank transfer to Help to Buy partially repaying your loan.

See your quote
Leasehold Help to Buy Loan Repayment
(part repayment)
Receive redemption letter from Help to Buy, review title for ownership and restrictions, contact managing agent/freeholder to obtain compliance certificate, obtain Authority to Complete, complete a deed of postponement for your current lender and the cost of one bank transfer to Help to Buy partially repaying your loan.

See your quote

Additional Fixed Fee Policy

Any services not included in the Fixed Fee that might reasonably be expected to be included are listed below.

What’s Included
Fixed Fee INC VAT
Additional Bank Transfer
We include one bank transfer in our main Fixed Fee quote. If you want more than one same-day bank transfer, then you pay an additional fee for each transfer.

Additional charge/lender deed of postponement
If you want a loan, other than the first charge mortgage and equity loan, that isn’t being paid off we will charge this fee.

The work includes contacting the lender, obtaining their consent to the changes on the title and drafting a deed of postponement.

Additional charge/lender to redeem
(other than your first charge mortgage or equity loan)
We will charge this fee if you want to settle a loan other than the first mortgage and equity loan charge.

The work includes receiving a redemption letter from an existing lender, reviewing a mortgage offer, bank transfer to repay the existing mortgage and registering new mortgage restrictions at the Land Registry.

Additional gifts
If you are receiving gifts from more than one person.

The work includes a review ID, proof of funds, gift letter and (if applicable) obtaining mortgage lender consent.

(per gift)
Additional loan or mortgage
(other than your first charge mortgage)
We will charge this fee if you want to get more than one loan or mortgage, other than the first charge mortgage and equity loan.

Reviewing the mortgage offer, confirming satisfactory enquiries for the specific mortgage lender, checking special conditions of the offer, sending a Certificate of Title (COT) and registering the mortgage lender’s charge at the Land Registry. It does not include work for special conditions such as independent legal advice or occupier consent form.

Apply an anti-fraud restriction
You may want your solicitor to apply an anti-fraud restriction to your legal title, a Form LL. This restriction stops anyone from impersonating and selling your property without your knowledge. In the future, when you sell or remortgage, the restriction requires a solicitor to verify who you are and will charge you a fee for this service. Read more here - Form LL costs and process explained

The work includes applying the restriction at the Land Registry. You can choose not to have this if you don't want it and save on the cost.

Bridging Loan
The work includes reviewing the loan offer, handling the enquiries of the bridging finance company, drawing down the loan and registering restrictions at the Land Registry.

The work does not include the independent legal advice the bridging loan company requires. We have an independent solicitor if you require one. Please get in contact for a quote.

Building Safety Act
Is your leasehold:
  • in a block of flats at least 11 metres in height or has at least five storeys;
  • built between June 1992 and June 2022; and
  • owned by a qualifying leaseholder as of the 14th of February 2022.

If the answer is yes, you will likely need to obtain the leaseholder certificate and landlord certificate. There is a lot of work involved in obtaining these certificates. Please ask for a more detailed quote immediately.

from £900 to £1200 INC VAT
Change/Amend Mortgage Offer
If your bank provides a mortgage offer and you choose to change to another one, either with the same lender or a new one, we will charge you to review the mortgage offer and provide our report to you.

Change name at the Land Registry
If you need your name changed at the Land Registry, such as an error in missing a middle name or a change due to marriage, we can help complete the AP1 to correct the entry at the Land Registry.

Communicating Separately with Clients
If we are acting on your file due to a separation, deceased estate, etc., and you wish us to correspond/communicate with each of our clients separately, we will charge an additional fee for this extra work. This fee may increase depending on how many clients are subject to the transaction.

Deed of Assession
When a party is added to the legal title but the loan is not paid off as part of the transfer, the lender will require the new legal owners to sign a Deed of Assession.

The new owner(s) must read the terms of the original charge and agree to take responsibility for the covenants and repayment terms that will bind them on completion.

Deed of Variation to your lease
If you want to vary the terms of the existing lease you are buying, you must obtain the freeholder's consent and agree to the freeholder's costs (you will be liable for the freeholder’s costs).

The work includes reviewing the deed of variation and confirming the freeholder's costs. Provide an undertaking for their costs (you must pay these before this can be given), submitting the deed to you for signing and registering the deed at the Land Registry.

Expedited Completion
Our Fixed Fee works toward a completion 2 weeks before either the expiration date of your mortgage offer or your valuation, whichever is sooner. If you want to complete it as soon as possible, we will prioritise your file to achieve completion as soon as possible, subject to the authority to complete it from Help to Buy.

Management Company
(freehold only)
Your buyer requires a management pack if you buy a freehold house with a management company within its title, such as managing the grounds.

The work includes reviewing the management pack provided by the seller, raising legal enquiries, confirming the settlement of current owners’ liabilities and obtaining consent to transfer.

Proof of Funds Check (Manual)
If you don't use our online proof of funds check, Armalytix, or you fail the check, we will manually check the source of funds. Further information will be requested. This includes funds from the client and/or a giftor.

We do not guarantee you will pass proof of funds checks. This fee is not covered under our No Sale, No Fee Policy.

Proof of Funds - International
More checks are required when using money from outside the United Kingdom. If part of your funding for the transaction comes from a person who currently lives abroad and does not live in the UK, we must carry out enhanced due diligence to satisfy all Anti-Money Laundering Requirements. Each case is determined on a case-by-case basis, and your case handler will disclose to you the evidence required to comply with this transaction's “international” element.

If you are getting a new mortgage offer to repay the Help to Buy Equity Loan, you will need a Remortgage.

The work includes receiving your redemption letter from the existing lender, reviewing the mortgage offer, making a bank transfer to repay the existing mortgage, and registering new mortgage restrictions at the Land Registry.

Remortgage (free legals)
When using the free legal services your mortgage lender provides, such as Enact or Optima, these firms will require additional work, such as providing undertakings. Instructing one solicitor to handle the remortgage and equity loan repayment work is simpler.

Providing undertakings for completion, replying to enquiries and liaising post-completion to support Land Registration of charge.

Remove an Anti-Fraud Restriction
If you have an anti-fraud (Form LL) restriction, we can remove it.

Title Information Document
Once your title is updated at the Land Registry, we will inform you by email with no evidence as part of our Fixed Fee. You can opt to have the Title Information Documents sent by PDF to you for £10 or £25 if you want these printed and posted. The postal service costs include the Land Registry cost, postage, and time spent by the law firm.

£10 or £25
Transfer of Equity
(adding a party)
If you add a name from the legal title, you will need a Transfer of Equity.

The work includes a review of existing title ownership, drafting the transfer document and registering as joint tenants or tenants in common. If tenants in common, you may want a Deed of Trust.

Transfer of Equity
(removing a party)
If you remove a name from the legal title, you will need a Transfer of Equity.

The work includes a review of existing title ownership, drafting a transfer document, writing a letter to the party being removed confirming they should obtain legal advice and registering in the name of the legal owner/s. This service does not include the ID1 Form.

If you would like us to draft your will, we can help you with this.

From £399
Deed Fixed Fee Policy

Updated: 3rd March 2025 at 2:30 pm

We provide a competitive Fixed Fee to include drafting a deed.

What’s Included
Fixed Fee INC VAT
Change to Joint Tenants with a Deed
Confirm that:
  1. they have not incumbered or charged their beneficial interests [other than by the Mortgage which is also a charge over the legal estate];
  2. they have not received any notice of any incumbrance on their beneficial interests;
  3. no other party has a beneficial interest in the Property; and
  4. to the best of their knowledge and belief no bankruptcy proceedings have been commenced or are contemplated against them.
and a declaration that:
  1. they hold the Property on trust for themselves as legal and beneficial joint tenants; and
  2. the survivor of them can give a valid receipt for capital money arising on a disposition of the land.
Update Land Registry to Joint Tenants Quote
Included in our Fixed Fee: removal of the Form A restriction with a Form RX3, supplying deed of surrender to confirm the joint ownership of the beneficial interest and filing a Cancellation of restriction statement of truth with a Form ST5 at the Land Registry. The disbursement costs such as ID fee, office copies and Land Registration charges are included within our one fixed legal fee.
We will charge extra for:
  • Reviewing an existing deed of trust - Where there is already a deed of trust in place our solicitor needs to review this to ensure you can change from tenants in common to joint tenants. The additional fee for reviewing the deed is £299 INC VAT.

Change to Tenants with a Deed of Assignment
  • Declaration of the share of the beneficial interest between the legal and non-legal owners. Suitable for assigning beneficial interest for sharing property income. The deed does not assign any debt or outgoings.
  • Lists the assignor and assignee.
This is a standard document drafted by a solicitor that includes clauses as stated above. If you wish to add any additional clauses or tailor the deed then our solicitor can help and will agree an additional fee with you for doing this. We will charge extra for Material changes to the original intentions. We will draft the deed based on your intentions and offer one free revision. Should you look to change your intentions, supply incorrect details or you require a bespoke service then our solicitor will charge for this work on an hourly.
Points to Note:
  • The Deed cannot be backdated.
  • This scope does not include registration of any notices or restrictions at HM Land Registry unless you have paid for the service to register a restriction. If you wish to instruct us to do that, please get in touch.
  • The title to the legal estate will not change. Depending on the revisions made, it may only be the entitlement to the beneficial estate that will change. However, as one of the Parties may acquire an interest in land, stamp duty land tax (SDLT) or land transaction tax (LTT) will be payable by reference to any chargeable consideration given for it. You are required by law to declare and pay any stamp duty land tax applicable to the transaction. You should therefore speak to a specialist tax adviser before instructing the Deed. Parachute Law are not specialists in tax law and cannot give you tax advice.
Severance of Joint Tenancy includes:
  • submitting application to the Land Registry to register the property with a Form A restriction (tenants in Common). The disbursement costs such as ID fee, office copies and Land Registration charges are included within our one fixed legal fee
Where you are severing a joint tenancy without a deed or the mutual consent of all joint owners it is advisable to agree the beneficial interest with the joint owners before you sever. If you choose not to then we can offer legal support with any dispute between the joint owners. This work is charged on an hourly basis and terms apply.

Change to Tenants with a Deed of Trust
Confirm that:
  1. they have not incumbered or charged their beneficial interests [other than by the Mortgage which is also a charge over the legal estate];
  2. they have not received any notice of any incumbrance on their beneficial interests;
  3. no other party has a beneficial interest in the Property; and
  4. to the best of their knowledge and belief no bankruptcy proceedings have been commenced or are contemplated against them.
and a declaration that:
  1. they hold the Property on trust for themselves as legal and beneficial joint tenants; and
  2. the survivor of them can give a valid receipt for capital money arising on a disposition of the land.

Basic Deed of Trust
Included within the deed:
  • Declaration of trust confirming how the beneficial interest is held between the joint owners. In our standard deed, you can either hold the beneficial interest in a fixed share, for example, 50:50 or you can be repaid the equity/deposit you paid and then share and gain or loss in a fixed share, for example, 50:50. If you want to share income based on contributions to the property over the life of the ownership then look at our Floating Deed of Trust
  • Lists the names of all legal and beneficial owners
  • Explains how to share rental income
  • Mechanism for transferring beneficial interest between parties
  • States the individual contributions towards outgoings
  • Maintenance obligations
  • Explains how to sell the property in the future
This is a standard document drafted by a solicitor that includes clauses as stated above. If you wish to add any additional clauses or tailor the deed then our solicitor can help and will agree an additional fee with you for doing this. We will charge extra for Material changes to the original intentions. We will draft the deed of trust based on your intentions and offer one free revision. Should you look to change your intentions, supply incorrect details or you require a bespoke service then our solicitor will charge for this work on an hourly basis.
Points to Note:
  • The deed cannot be backdated.
  • This scope does not include registration of any notices or restrictions at HM Land Registry unless you have paid for the service to register a restriction. If you wish to instruct us to do that, please get in touch.
  • The title to the legal estate will not change. Depending on the revisions made, it may only be the entitlement to the beneficial estate that will change. However, as one of the Parties may acquire an interest in land, stamp duty land tax (SDLT) or land transaction tax (LTT) will be payable by reference to any chargeable consideration given for it. You are required by law to declare and pay any stamp duty land tax applicable to the transaction. You should therefore speak to a specialist tax adviser before instructing the Deed. Parachute Law are not specialists in tax law and cannot give you tax advice.

Deed of Assignment
  • Declaration of the share of the beneficial interest between the legal and non-legal owners. Suitable for assigning beneficial interest for sharing property income. The deed does not assign any debt or outgoings.
  • Lists the assignor and assignee.
This is a standard document drafted by a solicitor that includes clauses as stated above. If you wish to add any additional clauses or tailor the deed then our solicitor can help and will agree an additional fee with you for doing this. We will charge extra for Material changes to the original intentions. We will draft the deed based on your intentions and offer one free revision. Should you look to change your intentions, supply incorrect details or you require a bespoke service then our solicitor will charge for this work on an hourly basis.
Points to Note:
  • The Deed cannot be backdated.
  • This scope does not include registration of any notices or restrictions at HM Land Registry unless you have paid for the service to register a restriction. If you wish to instruct us to do that, please get in touch.
  • The title to the legal estate will not change. Depending on the revisions made, it may only be the entitlement to the beneficial estate that will change. However, as one of the Parties may acquire an interest in land, stamp duty land tax (SDLT) or land transaction tax (LTT) will be payable by reference to any chargeable consideration given for it. You are required by law to declare and pay any stamp duty land tax applicable to the transaction. You should therefore speak to a specialist tax adviser before instructing the Deed. We are not specialists in tax law and cannot give you tax advice.

Floating Deed of Trust
  • Declaration of trust using the floating formula for distribution of property income (rent/net sale proceeds) based on contribution toward the equity/deposit, costs of purchase, mortgage repayments and repairs and renovations. The more a party contributes, the greater their interest in the property
  • Lists the names of all legal and beneficial owners
  • Explains how to share rental income
  • Mechanism for transferring beneficial interest between parties
  • States the individual contributions towards outgoings
  • Maintenance obligations
  • Explains how to sell the property in the future
This is a standard document drafted by a solicitor that includes clauses as stated above. If you wish to add any additional clauses or tailor the deed then our solicitor can help and will agree an additional fee with you for doing this. We will charge extra for Material changes to the original intentions. We will draft the deed of trust based on your intentions and offer one free revision. Should you look to change your intentions, supply incorrect details or you require a bespoke service then our solicitor will charge for this work on an hourly basis of £200 EXC VAT.
Points to Note:
  • The deed cannot be backdated.
  • This scope does not include registration of any notices or restrictions at HM Land Registry unless you have paid for the service to register a restriction. If you wish to instruct us to do that, please get in touch.
  • The title to the legal estate will not change. Depending on the revisions made, it may only be the entitlement to the beneficial estate that will change. However, as one of the Parties may acquire an interest in land, stamp duty land tax (SDLT) or land transaction tax (LTT) will be payable by reference to any chargeable consideration given for it. You are required by law to declare and pay any stamp duty land tax applicable to the transaction. You should therefore speak to a specialist stamp duty land tax adviser before instructing the Deed. Parachute Law are not specialists in tax law and cannot give you tax advice.

Joint Mortgage Sole Proprietor Deed of Trust
  • Declaration of trust confirming how the beneficial interest is held between the joint owners
  • Lists the names of all legal and beneficial owners
  • Indemnities to protect the non-legal owner in the event of a breach in the mortgage terms by the legal owner
  • Mechanism for transferring beneficial interest between parties
  • States the individual contributions towards outgoings
  • Maintenance obligations
  • Explains how to sell the property in the future
This is a standard document drafted by a solicitor that includes clauses as stated above. If you wish to add any additional clauses or tailor the deed then our solicitor can help and will agree an additional fee with you for doing this. We will charge extra for Material changes to the original intentions. We will draft the deed of trust based on your intentions and offer one free revision. Should you look to change your intentions, supply incorrect details or you require a bespoke service then our solicitor will charge for this work on an hourly basis of £200 EXC VAT.
Points to Note:
  • The deed cannot be backdated.
  • This scope does not include registration of any notices or restrictions at HM Land Registry unless you have paid for the service to register a restriction. If you wish to instruct us to do that, please get in touch.
  • The title to the legal estate will not change. Depending on the revisions made, it may only be the entitlement to the beneficial estate that will change. However, as one of the Parties may acquire an interest in land, stamp duty land tax (SDLT) or land transaction tax (LTT) will be payable by reference to any chargeable consideration given for it. You are required by law to declare and pay any stamp duty land tax applicable to the transaction. You should therefore speak to a specialist stamp duty land tax adviser before instructing the Deed. Parachute Law are not specialists in tax law and cannot give you tax advice.

Independent Legal Advice Fixed Fee Policy

Updated: 3rd March 2025 at 2:30 pm

We provide a competitive Fixed Fee to include drafting a deed.

What’s Included
Fixed Fee INC VAT
Borrower and Proprietor
  • review of the borrower documents and mortgage offer.
  • a live video conference meeting to provide independent legal advice lasting no longer than 1 hour but maybe less.
  • Advisory letter confirming the legal advice provided.
  • At the solicitors discretion, issuing of certificate of advice to your acting conveyancer or lender.
Points to Note:
  • Failing to attend your ILA meeting. You can change a booked meeting time by giving us 24 hours prior to the meeting taking place. We will cancel the booked meeting and charge you a £120 rearrangement fee if: i) you rearrange less than 24 hours before the meeting time, ii) you are more than 15 minutes late for the meeting, iii) you fail to attend the meeting (including not having adequate Skype audio and video to allow the meeting to take place), iv) you have not read in full all of the mortgage documents provided to you by your lender v) you do not provide adequate ID during the meeting or vi) if documents require signature during the call and you do not have these read to sign during the meeting, we charge £100 INC VAT for another appointment time.
  • Bespoke appointments. We offer appointments from 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday as part of our Fixed Fee. We can offer out of hours appointment upon request (7pm or 8pm Monday to Friday or 11am to 3pm Saturday or Sunday) however we will charge an additional fee of £120 INC VAT.
  • Negotiate Lender Terms. Where you want our solicitor to negotiate the terms of the mortgage lender we will charge an additional £240 INC VAT. Included in this we will write to the lender to vary their terms, chasing the lender for a response and, where response is received, reporting to you of their response and the impact it has on you. We do not guarantee the lender will respond or change their terms.
  • Client does not sign certificate. There may be cases where the certificate is not issued as the client is not happy to sign the certificate. In these cases there is no refund for any part of the service.
  • We do not offer financial or tax advice. Before signing the certificate you should seek appropriate financial and tax advice.

Borrower and Proprietor Additional
  • review of the borrower documents and mortgage offer.
  • a live video conference meeting to provide independent legal advice lasting no longer than 1 hour but maybe less.
  • Advisory letter confirming the legal advice provided.
  • At the solicitors discretion, issuing of certificate of advice to your acting conveyancer or lender.
Points to Note:
  • Failing to attend your ILA meeting. You can change a booked meeting time by giving us 24 hours prior to the meeting taking place. We will cancel the booked meeting and charge you a £120 rearrangement fee if: i) you rearrange less than 24 hours before the meeting time, ii) you are more than 15 minutes late for the meeting, iii) you fail to attend the meeting (including not having adequate Skype audio and video to allow the meeting to take place), iv) you have not read in full all of the mortgage documents provided to you by your lender v) you do not provide adequate ID during the meeting or vi) if documents require signature during the call and you do not have these read to sign during the meeting, we charge £100 INC VAT for another appointment time.
  • Bespoke appointments. We offer appointments from 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday as part of our Fixed Fee. We can offer out of hours appointment upon request (7pm or 8pm Monday to Friday or 11am to 3pm Saturday or Sunday) however we will charge an additional fee of £120 INC VAT.
  • Negotiate Lender Terms. Where you want our solicitor to negotiate the terms of the mortgage lender we will charge an additional £240 INC VAT. Included in this we will write to the lender to vary their terms, chasing the lender for a response and, where response is received, reporting to you of their response and the impact it has on you. We do not guarantee the lender will respond or change their terms.
  • Client does not sign certificate. There may be cases where the certificate is not issued as the client is not happy to sign the certificate. In these cases there is no refund for any part of the service.
  • We do not offer financial or tax advice. Before signing the certificate you should seek appropriate financial and tax advice.

Borrower Non Proprietor
  • review of the borrower documents and mortgage offer.
  • a Skype meeting to provide independent legal advice lasting no longer than 1 hour but maybe less.
  • Advisory letter confirming the legal advice provided.
  • At the solicitors discretion, issuing of certificate of advice to your acting conveyancer or lender.
Points to Note:
  • Failing to attend your ILA meeting. You can change a booked meeting time by giving us 24 hours prior to the meeting taking place. We will cancel the booked meeting and charge you a £120 rearrangement fee if: i) you rearrange less than 24 hours before the meeting time, ii) you are more than 15 minutes late for the meeting, iii) you fail to attend the meeting (including not having adequate Skype audio and video to allow the meeting to take place), iv) you have not read in full all of the mortgage documents provided to you by your lender v) you do not provide adequate ID during the meeting or vi) if documents require signature during the call and you do not have these read to sign during the meeting, we charge £100 INC VAT for another appointment time.
  • Bespoke appointments. We offer appointments from 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday as part of our Fixed Fee. We can offer out of hours appointment upon request (7pm or 8pm Monday to Friday or 11am to 3pm Saturday or Sunday) however we will charge an additional fee of £120 INC VAT.
  • Negotiate Lender Terms. Where you want our solicitor to negotiate the terms of the mortgage lender we will charge an additional £240 INC VAT. Included in this we will write to the lender to vary their terms, chasing the lender for a response and, where response is received, reporting to you of their response and the impact it has on you. We do not guarantee the lender will respond or change their terms.
  • Client does not sign certificate. There may be cases where the certificate is not issued as the client is not happy to sign the certificate. In these cases there is no refund for any part of the service.

Borrower Non Proprietor Additional
  • review of the borrower documents and mortgage offer.
  • a Skype meeting to provide independent legal advice lasting no longer than 1 hour but maybe less.
  • Advisory letter confirming the legal advice provided.
  • At the solicitors discretion, issuing of certificate of advice to your acting conveyancer or lender.
Points to Note:
  • Failing to attend your ILA meeting. You can change a booked meeting time by giving us 24 hours prior to the meeting taking place. We will cancel the booked meeting and charge you a £120 rearrangement fee if: i) you rearrange less than 24 hours before the meeting time, ii) you are more than 15 minutes late for the meeting, iii) you fail to attend the meeting (including not having adequate Skype audio and video to allow the meeting to take place), iv) you have not read in full all of the mortgage documents provided to you by your lender v) you do not provide adequate ID during the meeting or vi) if documents require signature during the call and you do not have these read to sign during the meeting, we charge £100 INC VAT for another appointment time.
  • Bespoke appointments. We offer appointments from 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday as part of our Fixed Fee. We can offer out of hours appointment upon request (7pm or 8pm Monday to Friday or 11am to 3pm Saturday or Sunday) however we will charge an additional fee of £120 INC VAT.
  • Negotiate Lender Terms. Where you want our solicitor to negotiate the terms of the mortgage lender we will charge an additional £240 INC VAT. Included in this we will write to the lender to vary their terms, chasing the lender for a response and, where response is received, reporting to you of their response and the impact it has on you. We do not guarantee the lender will respond or change their terms.
  • Client does not sign certificate. There may be cases where the certificate is not issued as the client is not happy to sign the certificate. In these cases there is no refund for any part of the service.

Director Personal Guarantee
  • review of the mortgage paperwork and guarantee
  • a video conference meeting to provide independent legal advice.
  • Advisory letter confirming the legal advice provided.
  • At the solicitors discretion, issuing of certificate of advice to your acting conveyancer or lender.
If you require any additional work to be completed outside of the above scope of work then we will either agree a fixed fee for this or in the absence of an agreed fixed fee, we charge on an hourly basis, as described below.
Fixed Fees
Our Fixed Fee is charged based on the loan amount that the Director is guaranteeing for the company. The greater the loan amount, the higher the risk for the director and solicitor providing the legal advice, so our fees range from:
  • Loan of £0 to £750,000 £360 INC VAT for the first director and £180 INC VAT for each additional director
  • Loan of £750,001 to £1,250,000 £720 INC VAT for the first director and £180 INC VAT for each additional director
  • Loan of £1,250,001+ 0.1% of the loan amount INC VAT for the first director and 0.05% of the loan amount INC VAT for each additional director

Points to Note:

  • Flexible Meeting Times. Flexible meeting times are offered between the office hours of 9am to 5.30pm. Upon request, out of work hours meetings can be arranged up until 7pm for an additional fee of £100 (including VAT).
  • Failing to attend your ILA meeting. We have a 24 hour rearrangement policy which means you can change the meeting time, that you have already agreed to if you give us at least 24 hours notice prior. If you rearrange within 24 hours of the appointment and/or fail to attend the meeting including being late by more than 15 minutes (including not having adequate Skype to allow the meeting to take place on time) and/or you have not read in full all of the mortgage documents provided to you by the lender and/or do not provide adequate ID you will need to rebook your meeting at a cost of £100 (including VAT).
  • Negotiate Lender Terms. Where you want our solicitor to negotiate the terms of the mortgage lender we will charge an additional £240 INC VAT. Included in this will be writing to the lender to vary their terms, chasing the lender for a response and, where response is received, reporting to you of their response and the impact it has on you. We do not guarantee the lender will respond or change their terms.
  • Client does not sign certificate. There may be cases where the certificate is not issued as the client is not happy to sign the certificate. In these cases there is no refund for any part of the service.

Director Personal Guarantee Additional
  • review of the mortgage paperwork and guarantee
  • a video conference meeting to provide independent legal advice.
  • Advisory letter confirming the legal advice provided.
  • At the solicitors discretion, issuing of certificate of advice to your acting conveyancer or lender.
If you require any additional work to be completed outside of the above scope of work then we will either agree a fixed fee for this or in the absence of an agreed fixed fee, we charge on an hourly basis, as described below.
Fixed Fees
Our Fixed Fee is charged based on the loan amount that the Director is guaranteeing for the company. The greater the loan amount, the higher the risk for the director and solicitor providing the legal advice, so our fees range from:
  • Loan of £0 to £750,000 £360 INC VAT for the first director and £180 INC VAT for each additional director
  • Loan of £750,001 to £1,250,000 £720 INC VAT for the first director and £180 INC VAT for each additional director
  • Loan of £1,250,001+ 0.1% of the loan amount INC VAT for the first director and 0.05% of the loan amount INC VAT for each additional director

Points to Note:

  • Flexible Meeting Times. Flexible meeting times are offered between the office hours of 9am to 5.30pm. Upon request, out of work hours meetings can be arranged up until 7pm for an additional fee of £100 (including VAT).
  • Failing to attend your ILA meeting. We have a 24 hour rearrangement policy which means you can change the meeting time, that you have already agreed to if you give us at least 24 hours notice prior. If you rearrange within 24 hours of the appointment and/or fail to attend the meeting including being late by more than 15 minutes (including not having adequate Skype to allow the meeting to take place on time) and/or you have not read in full all of the mortgage documents provided to you by the lender and/or do not provide adequate ID you will need to rebook your meeting at a cost of £100 (including VAT).
  • Negotiate Lender Terms. Where you want our solicitor to negotiate the terms of the mortgage lender we will charge an additional £240 INC VAT. Included in this will be writing to the lender to vary their terms, chasing the lender for a response and, where response is received, reporting to you of their response and the impact it has on you. We do not guarantee the lender will respond or change their terms.
  • Client does not sign certificate. There may be cases where the certificate is not issued as the client is not happy to sign the certificate. In these cases there is no refund for any part of the service.

Occupier Waiver
  • review of the occupier waiver form and mortgage offer.
  • a video conference meeting to provide independent legal advice.
  • Advisory letter confirming the legal advice provided.
  • At the solicitors discretion, issuing of certificate of advice to your acting conveyancer or lender.
Points to Note:
  • Failing to attend your ILA meeting. You can change a booked meeting time by giving us 24 hours prior to the meeting taking place. We will cancel the booked meeting and charge you a £120 rearrangement fee if: i) you rearrange less than 24 hours before the meeting time, ii) you are more than 15 minutes late for the meeting, iii) you fail to attend the meeting (including not having adequate Skype audio and video to allow the meeting to take place), iv) you have not read in full all of the mortgage documents provided to you by your lender v) you do not provide adequate ID during the meeting or vi) if documents require signature during the call and you do not have these read to sign during the meeting, we charge £100 INC VAT for another appointment time.
  • Bespoke appointments. We offer appointments from 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday as part of our Fixed Fee. We can offer out of hours appointment upon request (7pm or 8pm Monday to Friday or 11am to 3pm Saturday or Sunday) however we will charge an additional fee of £120 INC VAT.
  • Client does not sign Occupier Waiver. There maybe cases where the certificate is not issued as the client is not happy to sign the occupier waiver. In these cases there is no refund for any part of the service.

Transfer of Equity Advice
  • review the information relating to the transfer of equity.
  • a video conference meeting to provide independent legal advice lasting no longer than 1 hour but maybe less.
  • Advisory letter confirming the legal advice provided. We do not handle any part of the legal work to update the Land Registry title.
Points to Note:
  • Failing to attend your ILA meeting. You can change a booked meeting time by giving us 24 hours prior to the meeting taking place. We will cancel the booked meeting and charge you a £120 rearrangement fee if: i) you rearrange less than 24 hours before the meeting time, ii) you are more than 15 minutes late for the meeting, iii) you fail to attend the meeting (including not having adequate Skype audio and video to allow the meeting to take place), iv) you have not read in full all of the mortgage documents provided to you by your lender v) you do not provide adequate ID during the meeting or vi) if documents require signature during the call and you do not have these read to sign during the meeting, we charge £100 INC VAT for another appointment time.
  • Bespoke appointments. We offer appointments from 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday as part of our Fixed Fee. We can offer out of hours appointment upon request (7pm or 8pm Monday to Friday or 11am to 3pm Saturday or Sunday) however we will charge an additional fee of £120 INC VAT.
  • Client does not proceed. There may be cases where the client does not proceed with the transfer after the advice has been given. In these cases there is no refund for any part of the service.

Transfer of Equity Advice Additional
  • review the information relating to the transfer of equity.
  • a video conference meeting to provide independent legal advice lasting no longer than 1 hour but maybe less.
  • Advisory letter confirming the legal advice provided. We do not handle any part of the legal work to update the Land Registry title.
Points to Note:
  • Failing to attend your ILA meeting. You can change a booked meeting time by giving us 24 hours prior to the meeting taking place. We will cancel the booked meeting and charge you a £120 rearrangement fee if: i) you rearrange less than 24 hours before the meeting time, ii) you are more than 15 minutes late for the meeting, iii) you fail to attend the meeting (including not having adequate Skype audio and video to allow the meeting to take place), iv) you have not read in full all of the mortgage documents provided to you by your lender v) you do not provide adequate ID during the meeting or vi) if documents require signature during the call and you do not have these read to sign during the meeting, we charge £100 INC VAT for another appointment time.
  • Bespoke appointments. We offer appointments from 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday as part of our Fixed Fee. We can offer out of hours appointment upon request (7pm or 8pm Monday to Friday or 11am to 3pm Saturday or Sunday) however we will charge an additional fee of £120 INC VAT.
  • Client does not proceed. There may be cases where the client does not proceed with the transfer after the advice has been given. In these cases there is no refund for any part of the service.


What must happen before an Additional Fixed Fee can be charged?

The SRA rules states: "One of the most common types of complaints dealt with by the Legal Ombudsman is where costs were unclear or different from the original estimate". To avoid this, we have listed above the potential Additional Services that may arise linked to the type of transaction you are undertaking. Whilst not a regulatory requirement for the law firm, we go a step further and, whenever practicable, if an Additional Service is required and you'll need to pay an Additional Fixed Fee, your case handler will inform you of the work to be completed.

This is in line with our objective:

  • keeping legal fees as cost-effective as possible and being transparent on what and isn't included in that Fixed Price; and
  • informing you when Additional work is required, which means you pay more than the original Fixed Fee.